Thanksgiving in the space! How astronauts will celebrate turkey day


Thanksgiving in the space! How astronauts will celebrate turkey day

The three astronauts currently on board the space station – Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, European astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor – are having a dinner together earlier in November.

Credit: NASA

The trio of astronauts currently living aboard the International Space Station celebrates Thanksgiving in orbit, even as three other astronauts prepare to join the crew early next month.

Of the astronauts currently on the space station, only Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev will work during the holidays. European astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor will both take their day. Gerst and Auñón-Chancellor published a short video message on Earth yesterday (November 21st) sending their best wishes from the space for the holidays.

"I've already had the honor many times in my life of spending a Thanksgiving with an American, which always makes it a particularly rewarding experience," Gerst said before showing off the food package of the day. Crew for the evening festivities. [Expedition 57: A Space Station Mission in Photos]

(Another trio of astronauts will also consider the space at the party: Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, NASA astronaut Anne McClain and Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques are all present on the site of Baikonur, Kazakhstan, in preparation for their launch, space station, which is currently scheduled for 3 December.)

The three astronauts currently on board the space station - Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, European astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor - are having a dinner together earlier in November.

The three astronauts currently on board the space station – Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, European astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor – are having a dinner together earlier in November.

Credit: NASA

The crew of the current space station will meet in the evening for a special feast of holiday food shipped in advance: turkey, candied yams, stuffing and spicy poundcake.

"Thanksgiving is a moment to spend with those you love, whoever it is, and so we will enjoy this meal together, but we will also remember our loved ones on planet Earth," said Auñón-Chancellor. "From the crew of the Expedition 57, from our house to yours, we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving."

The crew will be back at work Friday, according to NASA. And the astronauts still have a lot to do, between two new cargoes that have to be unpacked and the usual scientific tasks of the laboratory in orbit.

It is not known yet if the crew will have leftovers to see them do their work on Friday.

Email Meghan Bartels at [email protected] or follow her. @meghanbartels. follow us @Spacedotcom and Facebook. Original article on

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