Thanksgiving turkey: 3 tips to reduce costs before you buy


Only weeks away from Thanksgiving and where meal plans are already planned, Americans in the United States are preparing for one of the most expensive meals of the year.

In 2017 alone, Americans spent about $ 2.98 billion on meals for Thanksgiving dinner. While the sheer size of the dinner certainly contributes to the high price, the turkey is ultimately a significant part of that cost, with almost 50% of the total cost of the average Thanksgiving dinner being spent on turkey alone.

So, whether you want to attend a potluck or organize dinner yourself, here are three things to keep in mind when buying your Thanksgiving turkey to maximize your savings:

1. Where you buy your turkey account:

United States map – vector illustration

Although many consumers are aware that the price of a turkey varies considerably depending on the store where it is purchased, few people realize that the price of turkey also varies greatly from region to region in the United States. .

According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, the highest prices are those of turkeys sold in the northeast, ranging from 59 cents to $ 1.49 per pound. In the Midwest, turkey prices are among the lowest, ranging from 49 to 99 cents per pound.

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So, if you are planning a potluck and have visiting friends or family from the Midwest, consider asking them to buy the turkey.

2. The size of Turkey depends on the size of the group:

Crash mash being spent at a feast at a dining table

In order to minimize your costs, it is important to make sure that you do not buy a larger turkey than necessary. The food web recommends a budget of 1 pound to 1.5 pound of turkey per person.

Throwing the leftover turkey is not only a waste of time, but also a high cost. The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that Americans are dumping about 204 million pounds of turkey on Thanksgiving, wasting more than $ 293 million.

So before buying your turkey, consolidate your list of guests and note all the guests who do not eat turkey.

3. Read the labels:

A "Tom Turkey" float descends 6th Avenue at Macy's 89th Thanksgiving Parade in New York's Manhattan district on November 26, 2015.

For those who prefer to eat organic poultry or outdoors, be prepared to pay extra. Although prices vary by store and store, organic and outdoor turkeys can cost up to seven times more than regular turkeys.

If you are trying to minimize costs and are buying a regular turkey, be sure to read the labels. Otherwise, you could inadvertently pay a premium for a free or organic bird.

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