That's How Game of Thrones Season 8 Begins


Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of thrones season 8.

After more than a year of suspense following the destruction of the wall by Night King, Game of thrones'Season 7 finale, fans finally have an idea of ​​the beginning of season 8.

A cover story published Thursday by Weekly entertainment reveals that Season 8 will not begin with an update of the Army of the Dead's progress, but with the convergence of some Game of thrones"Biggest stars in Winterfell. To recap, at the end of Season 7, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister and several other key players from Westeros were heading north to Winterfell, where Samwell Tarly and the remaining three siblings – Sansa, Arya and Bran – waiting for their arrival.

"Season 8 opens in Winterfell with an episode that contains a lot of reminders to the pilot of the series," EW reports. "Instead of arriving at King Robert's procession, it's Daenerys and his army. The following is an exciting and tense mix of characters – some of whom have never met before, many of whom have a messy history – while they are all preparing to face the inevitable invasion of the United States. Army of the Dead. "

As we know, Jon left Winterfell as king in the North, but later swore allegiance to Daenerys – a development of which Sansa, apparently, will not be happy, according to the story. From there, it seems that season 8 explores how the relationships between these characters develop as they prepare to face the Night King and his army.

"It's about all those disparate characters who come together to face a common enemy, caring about their own past and defining the person they want to face a certain death," said the co executive producer Bryan Cogman. EW. "It's an incredibly moving, haunting and bitterly sweet last season, and I think it's a great honor for

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proposes to do – which is reversing this kind of story. "

Game of thrones Season 8 will be broadcast in 2019.

Write to Megan McCluskey at Game of Thrones Season 8 begins "target =" _ self "rel =" noopener noreferrer "> [email protected].

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