That's what happens to your body when you stop eating carbohydrates


You are tired

Woman sleeping, woman sleeping on bed, young woman sleepingViChizh / Shutterstock

"Carbohydrates are our main source of energy," says Gina Sam, MD, MPH, a New York gastroenterologist. Compared to proteins and fats, they decompose more quickly into glucose, which our bodies consume. So skimp on them and you could feel lethargic. Check out these 16 low carb diet errors that you should never do.

You can feel more complete

Dissolved dirty and empty, plate left after breakfast, lunch or dinner. Plate with pieces of crumbs and pieces. Kitchenware concept for restaurants and cafes.Viktor Kochetkov / Shutterstock

Many people report feeling less hungry with low carb diets, even though they eat fewer calories. Reason: If you eat lean protein sources and high-quality healthy fats (mono- and polyunsaturated), your body takes longer to break down these nutrients than carbohydrates. When you spend a lot of carbohydrates like a bagel, your pancreas pours tons of insulin into your blood in response to an excess of sugar. This can cause extreme spikes and drops of blood sugar that can result in sudden and intense hunger or cravings. Full of protein and fat helps keep your blood sugar levels stable. The problem, says Jessica Crandall, RD, a certified diabetes educator, is that these types of diets are rarely sustainable, especially in extreme situations where you consume only 120 grams of carbohydrate or less per day.

You can lose weight

Asian woman measuring

People who follow low carb diets tend to lose weight, for a while. According to Mr. Crandall, the weight of the water is partly due to the fact that you reduce the amounts of a significant source of calories in your diet. Carbohydrates include grains, starchy vegetables and sweets, which is a big part of what we eat. But – insert sad trombone here – the weight will probably come back, she says. She regularly sees clients who lose 30 to 40 pounds on a low-carb diet, but when they come back in a year, they have 50. Find out the many ways to have your cake and maintain your blood glucose also .

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