The 20 victims of the limo accident died as a result of blunt trauma, according to the autopsy


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The cause of death of the 20 people killed in a limousine accident in upstate New York on October 6 was determined to be serious and traumatic injuries, said Friday the police's major. State of New York, Robert E. Patnaude.

The results of the autopsy of Dr. Michael Sikirica of the Albany Medical Center did not include the findings of drug tests, which are on hold, Patnaude said in a statement.

Scott Lisinicchia, 53, was among those killed on the 2001 Ford Excursion tour; he passed a traffic sign and hit a vehicle in the parking lot of a country store in Schoharie, New York.

The passengers were heading to a Cooperstown brewery to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Amy Steenburg, who was also in the limousine. Two pedestrians also died when the vehicle hit by the limousine hit them.

The cause of the accident was the subject of an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board. Federal safety records obtained by NBC News have documented numerous citations for the vehicle in 2018, including "out of service brakes" and driving on the road without proper proof of inspection.

"The company's owner had no reason to put a vehicle down on the road," said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo two days after the tragedy.

The authorities said that Lisinicchia was not allowed to drive a vehicle with many passengers. His wife, Kim Lisinicchia, said he complained to the owner of the limo, Prestige Limousine, in Gansevort, New York, of the condition of the vehicle.

The company's registered operator, Nauman Hussain, was charged with criminal negligence homicide because it would have allowed an unlicensed driver to drive a vehicle that was not licensed to drive as a limousine rental company. .

"Nauman Hussain is solely responsible for driving this vehicle Saturday on the road," said New York State Police Superintendent George Beach earlier this month.

His lawyer, Lee Kindon, said the prosecutors had "jumped the gun" accusing Hussain. He stated that his client's father ran the company day-to-day.

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