The 2018 DC / CW Crossover Calls Elseworlds, Starts Dec. 9


We are heading to the Elseworlds in December.
Photo: The CW

As with previous crossovers, this year's DC / CW super-mashup is turning to comic book nomenclature. There was Invasion! Then there was a Crisis. And now, Ollie, Barry and Kara visit the Elseworlds and meet more of a familiar cartoon face.

Revealed by the CW today, Other worlds will start on December 9th The flash, before taking over Arrow so what Super Girl Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 respectively. The episodes will see the casts of Arrow, Super Girl, and Flash in an adventure in Gotham City, where they will meet Batwoman, played by Ruby Rose, who will perform next year and even meet Lois Lane herself, performed by Bitsie Tulloch. We also recently learned that Cassandra Jean Amell would perform Nora Fries, the wife of the famous Bat Villain Mr. Freeze, in the three episode story.

The name and emblem, of course, are a nod to a banner that DC Comics has long used to mark DC superhero stories that lie outside the continuity of comics, with famous icons like Gotham by Gaslight or reign come being among the series published here.

Whether it's just a nod to the series that this version of Gotham and his Batwoman come from a part of the multiverse different from that presented by Arrowverse – in the same way that Kara did – or that something bigger still needs to be done.

We will have to wait until December 9 to find out!

Update 14:15 EST: DC also confirmed that LaMonica Garrett will appear in Elseworlds as The Monitor, an infamous cosmic being who played a big role in Crisis on infinite lands in the comic book The Monitor has extensive knowledge of the nature of DC Multiverse and has assembled DC heroes to face the ultimate task of facing the ultimate antithesis of the Monitor, the destructive force known as anti-monitor. According to DC, George Pérez, one of the co-creators of the Monitor alongside Marv Wolfman, will illustrate a sketch of Garret's take on the Monitor which "plays a leading role in the history of the crossover". Interesting!

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