The 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to 2 researchers in cancer immunotherapy


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 was awarded Monday to James P. Allison of the United States and Tasuku Honjo of Japan for their work to release the immune system's ability to fight cancer, a breakthrough in the development of new cancer treatments.

Dr. Allison and Honjo, working separately, have shown how some proteins act as "brakes" on the T cells of the immune system, limiting their ability to attack cancer cells, and that suppressing these proteins could transform the ability of the body to fight against cancer.

Dr. Honjo at Kyoto University and Dr. Allison at the University of California at Berkeley and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York until their breakthroughs. The cancer treatments consisted of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Their work led to a fourth class of treatment, exploiting the immune system.

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