The 25th amendment requires a political apocalypse


Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic senator from Massachusetts, said Thursday it was time to use the equivalent of a bomb blast door to get rid of Trump.

"If senior administration officials think that the US president is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the vice-president and senior officials think that the president can not do his job.He does not provide for senior officials to go around the president – take documents from his office, write anonymous articles. " .. All these officials have sworn to respect the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job. "

His appeal follows the revelation by a senior unnamed New York Times official at the beginning of his presidency, where some officials actually discussed it.

We already knew that Steve Bannon, the former Trump strategist, was at one point convinced that his cabinet would revolt and deposit it with the 25th Amendment.

Here are the administration officials who deny writing the New York Times.

But that deserves to be repeated for the third time: we are still very far from the kind of political impetus that it would take.


Just look at who publicly calls his use: Warren, the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts.

Who does not call publicly to the 25th Amendment? Any serious Republican with power. Even the top anonymous administration official said the 25th amendment had been discussed and rejected early in the Trump presidency.

Deleting a president using the 25th amendment would require a political apocalypse

"Given the instability that many have witnessed, there were rumors at the beginning of the 25th Amendment invocation, which would trigger a complex process of dismissal of the president.But nobody wanted to precipitate a crisis the administration in the right direction until – in one way or another – is completed, "the official wrote, which does not sound like a serious effort. according to the official, whatever it is.

Speaking of which, almost all Trump Cabinet members have denied writing the editorial. The play depicts officials who subtly steer the state ship around Trump, without trying to throw it overboard.

This is a majority of Cabinet officials, under the 25th Amendment, who will have to vote twice to dismiss Trump. The super-majorities of the House and Senate should then do the same.

What would it take to use the 25th Amendment? As we wrote previously, there are some scenarios that come to mind (and read these articles by Brian Kalt and David Pozen for another context) in which the 25th Amendment could be invoked:
  • The president was completely and totally unfit after an abnormal medical accident.
  • The president disappears, leaves work or is abducted.

In either of these instances, the Speaker would not be able to challenge the action of his cabinet, so to invoke the amendment would only present the Cabinet to Congress.

What about an avoidable and imminent nuclear war? It is hard to imagine that all this is happening fast enough to be effective. You would almost need his subordinates to deliberately break the law and ignore his order to launch a nuclear attack – or be ready to – to delay action in the heat of the moment. By the way, there could be a precedent. Richard Nixon's Secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger, later stated that in the final days of Nixon's presidency, staff members had been tasked to check with him or the secretary of state at the time, Henry Kissinger, before launching an attack.
Trump defends his sanity about his mental state
Speaking of Nixon, the impeachment, of which the serious idea also seems exaggerated in this respect with regard to Trump, is inscribed in the Constitution as a more appropriate means of dismissing a president.
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