The 5 most memorable weddings "The young and the restless"


This week on Young and agitatedNick and Sharon are supposed to be married in Genoa. If this happens, the marriage will be the third for the couple who share the living children Noah and Faith, as well as their dead daughter, Cassie. The girls Mariah and Summer complete their offspring.

Of course, the InquisitrS Young and agitated The revealers show that Mariah (Camryn Grimes) has just revealed Nick's terrible secret to Sharon (Sharon Case). A few weeks ago, Nick slept with his ex-wife and the scourge of Sharon's existence, Phyllis (Gina Tognoni). Phyllis has already caused so much trouble in the relationship between Nick and Sharon that she even collapsed during their wedding in 2014 after waking from a coma.

While everyone gathers for Sharon and Nick's wedding, she ends up late, and Nick wonders if it's going to happen at all, according to the weekly spoiler video. She may end up standing near Nick at the altar, but as it seems too predictable, seasoned soap fans expect a kind of dramatic turnaround that will make a difference.

To celebrate the upcoming wedding for "Shick" for the third time official, here are the ten best weddings of all time in Genoa.

Michael (Christian LeBlanc) and Lauren (Tracey Bregman) were married in December 2005. Their love story has been going on for many years despite many ups and downs. Most of them have been married for more than ten years now, which is rare in the dramatic world of the day.

Michael and Lauren's wedding on Y & R

Robert Voets



Nick and Sharon got married in 2014, surrounded by their children. Nick's ex-wife, Phyllis, of course played an important role in the ceremony. Morrow and Case shared their memories of this marriage on Inquisitr recently reported. Both actors stated that their previous marriage, which was the second, was a big wedding.

Monty Brinton



Devon (Bryton James) and Hilary (Mishael Morgan) got married for the first time in 2015. The event is particularly memorable because of the length of the series to hide the pregnancy in Morgan's real life. She had the biggest bridal bouquet of all time. More recently, Devon and Hilary were married at the hospital shortly before her death from an injury she sustained in a car accident with Lily (Christel Khalil).

Devon and Hilary Marriage for the young and the restless

Monty Brinton



Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and Billy (then Billy Miller) tied the knot in 2010, much to his father's dismay. They even lived in a house "Father knows better" together as husband and wife. Even more crazy? Victor (Eric Braeden) had Victoria arrested on the day of her marriage, but they became legal before the authorities dragged her away.

Victoria Billy Wedding Young and restless

Monty Brinton



In 2013, Victor and Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) got together at one of their many weddings. The event was announced as "killer", and in the scenario, Eric Forrester's Love glory and beauty designed the dress. Nikki also suffered from symptoms of multiple sclerosis throughout the marriage and had spent time in the hospital the previous week. This happy event also included a bombshell at Newman Ranch and Adam getting shot. With regard to weddings, it was a memorable event for the patriarch and the matriarch Newman.

The marriage of young and restless Victor Nikki

Robert Voets



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