The 55 most exaggerated lines of Donald Trump's speech in South Carolina


I went through the transcript of Monday night's speech and highlighted the 55 most worthy, incisive and simple lines. They are below.

1. "They said," Sir, would it bother you to come back, would it bother you if we did not stop? "I said," There is no way, we can not stop, is not it?

The weather over South Carolina was not very good, forcing the Trump aircraft to turn for the most part an hour before landing. Also: "There is no way we can not stop" is a decent slogan for the Trump Presidency. And it's gone!

2. "It's also the Air Force One, I said we'll get through, and that's the case."

Air Force One is weatherproof? Has it been equipped with this camouflage device that I sent to the White House?

3. "I never liked it too much, I was not a big fan, the Tallahassee Trail has to be a nice place, unfortunately it did not go there".

There are so many things here. Trump mocks Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina) who lost his primary to Katie Arrington. Except that he's making fun of Sanford by mistakenly referring to the "Tallahassee Trail". What Trump means is the Appalachian Trail, which Sanford said he was hiking when, as governor, he was in Argentina visiting his mistress. One thing Trump is right about: Sanford did not go to the Tallahassee Trail. In addition, the Tallahassee Trail does not exist. So, there is that.

4. "We have Pennsylvania and we have Florida. We started tonight:" Donald Trump has won the state of Florida, "and they go," Whoa, whoa, they just lost Florida. "

The election of 2016 has ended 595 days ago.

5. "And the firewall was not a firewall in North Carolina, so I want to thank the incredible people of South Carolina for everything you did."

Great job in South Carolina! You did a great job in North Carolina! Or something.

6. "He was sort of like a handsome guy with a wonderful wife, Peggy."

Trump talks about why he approved McMaster. And, yes, at least part of that decision was because McMaster looked like what Trump thought a governor should look like. Casting is important, you know.

7. "Now you know we have a lot of fake news out there, these forgers."

The amazing thing about Trump's attack on the media here (and often) is the contradiction that lies at the center of it: he wants to attack the media as fake but also get credit for the number of journalists covering it.

8. "And you know that if a horrible thing happened and we did not have the chance to win Henry, you know they will not talk about it, they will say that Donald Trump suffered a major defeat in the great state of South Carolina. "

"Me Me Me Me Me Me …"

9. "Then please, take out your donkeys tomorrow and vote."

True quote from the President of the United States.

10. "I'm mad, I'm crazy and I like it She was another from the beginning She did not talk about other people, right? "

What is important here is that a) Trump does not care and b) He liked Arrington, the state legislator who beat Sanford, because she loved him. # 39; first. Trump is purely transactional. Say nice things about him, he will tell you good things. Attack it and it will attack. It's so simple.

11. "When they tell you that you're almost there, you only have seven hours left and, by the way, we've had great success, North Korea, President Kim, great success."

Two consecutive sentences of the President of the United States. Totally normal stuff.

12. "We do not look in the air, there are no rockets, no rockets?"

"Success" = no rockets in the air over South Carolina.

13. "Look at all these fake newspapers out there, look at them, that's a lot, that's a lot of people, that's a lot of people."

See No. 7. Also: This food is terrible! And those small portions!

14. "I said:" Henry, I no longer work the gyms. "

Honestly, even.

15. "And they accepted the denuclearization, they agreed to no longer test, not more than that."

[narrator voice] No, they do not have it.

16. "People did not want to be dressed in the stadium by watching the opening ceremonies."


17. "They destroyed them, anti-American placards as if I had placed anti-media placards everywhere."

So. Trump says that after the summit with Kim Jong Un, North Korea withdrew its anti-American signs. And that these signs are like the anti-media signs that he puts in place. Because it is quite logical to compare favorably to a rogue dictatorship that oppresses its citizens and suppresses free and independent media.

18. "And we signed a piece of paper and it was a nice sheet of paper."

True quote from the President of the United States.

19. "No collusion, no nothing."


20. "I won when I won South Carolina, but won all the way down the East Coast, to win Wisconsin, which has not been won for many years, like 1972 I think, it's long, to win Michigan, which has not been won in a long time, and they give it, they say that she was a bad candidate, I mean, Honestly, she was a difficult candidate. "

This sentence is 64 words long. And that goes from Trump talking about winning the South Carolina primary to his general election wins in Wisconsin and Michigan to the way people say that Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate, but she was not . Totally normal stuff.

21. "Sometimes you have to tap your own horn because nobody else will do it."

Donald Trump, explained in 16 words.

22. "That's why when the polls are good, you remember during the campaign, when the polls were good, I always talked about it, when they were not so good, I did not did not mention, is not it? talk polls. "

He said the quiet part out loud!

23. "But they were good, they were good for a long time and, incidentally, Georgetown Steel just opened its factory yesterday."

Flow of consciousness, your name is Donald John Trump.

24. "Veteran filmmaker David Lynch believes that President Donald Trump may be considered one of the greatest presidents in American history because of the way he shook the political establishment to because of what I did. "

25. "And, by the way, they call them the elites, the elites, you know what you are, you are the super elites."

Is it like Super Friends? If that's the case, great! I love them! (And, if you wonder, Trump is referring to his followers here.)

26. "We have the biggest face in the history of politics."

How would that be calculated?

27. Have you seen Jimmy Fallon? Jimmy Fallon. The guy is fucking my hair. He comes and goes. He was so disappointed to discover that it was real. He could not believe it. Well, that's one of the great things I've had. "

So begins an extended riff on Trump's hair. And it's real. And it's great.

28. "Everyone was saying that my hair was fake, it was not my hair, I wore a strand of hair, but someone who wore a strand of hair now, but they never say that anymore because that I have been caught in storms. I've been caught in winds that blow 60 miles to the hour, if it's not your hair, do not run to the office, do not run, do not run, do not run in the office because the concert would be over.

I said that it was an extended riff! 75 words to be exact. My favorite part? When Trump asks rhetorically if anyone in the crowd carries a forelock. Epic.

29. "If someone opened a talk show at night because the guy on CBS is – what a low life, what a low life."

President of the United States of America on Stephen Colbert: "What a low life, what a low life". Totally normal stuff.

30. "I can laugh at myself and frankly if I could not get in trouble."

He really can not. In fact, he rarely laughs at all.

31. "Jimmy Kimmel would meet me before the election, I tell you a true story, I do not even think that he would deny it, no talent, but I go to his studio to make a shot, do a do one thing, he was standing outside on the sidewalk waiting for me: "Oh, there he is, Donald Trump, oh, he's opening my door."

That's my skeptical face.

32. "Then I said:" Jimmy, you called me after the show and you said thank you for the incredible – you call them monster logs, they were very big notes. "

Kimmel said Monday night that this call has never happened.

33. "Hey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, big movie star, took my place, he bombed about two concerts, he was bombed at once."

True quote from the President of the United States.

34. "And [Melania] has a good style. We today greeted the King of Jordan and the Queen of Jordan and it was like a photo. I watched them all three, the queen, the king and the first lady, and I pulled back and looked at myself. I did not want to destroy this image. "

35. "And she's private, she does not want to talk about things, right?" But it's really unfair, but you know what, we've never done better than what we're doing now. "

Unedited Just Trump's back-to-back sentences.

36. "Even Gallup, Gallup, who treats me horribly, the polls are also false news, what they do is call the deletion.

37. "We are the super elite, we are the super elite."

True quote from the President of the United States.

38. "I said the other day because, as you saw in my last speech, it's in Minnesota, a great place, an incredible crowd: 9,000 people and 15,000 or 20,000 people outside, impossible to get in, it was amazing, just like you have a lot of people out there, you can not. "

Maaaaaybe. According to the Star Tribune: "The arena has reached a capacity of over 8,000 people, according to authorities, and hundreds of others have been sidelined.

39. "If ever I come into an arena, and that there are empty seats, I think that's the end, I do not know if I'll be able to take it, n?" is this not?"

He "jokes". But not really. Remember that what matters to Trump is relevant. Empty seats would mean people do not care. And he admits that he can not live with that.

40. "Because remember what I said, we will start winning again, we win, we win now, as if we had not won before, as if we had not not won before. "

This victory is somehow different. Better. Believe me.

41. "This is no longer" building this wall ", it is" continuing to build this wall ", because we are building it."

"Keep building this wall" is a kind of bite to sing at gatherings.

42. "Some people have said: I have the greatest political instinct for 50 years, I do not believe it, I do not think so, I do not think so, but I have my own feelings. "

[narrator voice] He really thinks so.

43. "The Democrats want to protect the illegals entering this country, some of whom are not good, some of whom cause a lot of problems in the worst possible way, they want to protect the illegals entering the country, much more than they do. Do not want it to protect you, and it's not where we come from, OK? "

This sounds like an oversimplification. Also, on a serious note: Trump says the Democrats care more about illegals than people in this room. It's "us" against "them". Always.

44. "Hey, I had a bad hand, I got the job, and the trade deals were bad, I mean, how bad were the trade deals?"

Trump's most natural position is an injured victim. He sees his victimization in absolutely everything.

45. "So, Canada," Oh, Canada, "I love their national anthem," Oh, Canada ", but I like ours better, though. . "

Donald Trump's final ranking of national anthems:

1. United States

2. Canada

46. ​​"They have TVs in closets, they have TV sets in places that have no place – unlimited budget, Air Force One, huh."

Wait. There are TVs in the closets of Air Force One? Why have I never heard of this before?

47. "And everything is going to fix, everything is going to fix." Remember this, remember this, everything is going to fix, because we are the piggy bank that they like take, whether it's military protection, you look at NATO, NATO, we spend 90% of NATO, now everything is wonderful, and we like to help, but it helps them, they are in Europe, it helps them a lot more than it helps us, we are very far away. "

In summary: Things will work out. Also: Piggy bank!

48. "And by the way, I have these stupid teleprompters, you do not mind that I did not use them all night, do not you, from time to time – from time to time I look at it, I mean, it's so boring, we do not want it. "

That does not bother me. Not at all.

49. "No, I know, I look, I look, I just see things, and just – they are true, but they are not so exciting."

Trump talks about what is written on his teleprompter – and, in so doing, reveals his true nature as an artist. He wants to hear the cheers of the crowd. Wrong.

50. "We want crystal clear water, we want clean, beautiful air, we want it more than anyone, our air and water are better than ever, and we will continue like this. . . It's very important. "

Not just clean water. "Clean and crystalline water." Not just clean air. "Beautiful clean air." Also, it is important!

51. "I did not mean that, Henry, I did not mean that, Henry, I wanted to give it credit, but I thought South Carolina would understand, is not it ?

He said the quiet part out loud! Again!

52. "And I said," Listen, you're rich guys, for one reason or another, they like rockets, we do not need as much money , let them put money and build. send rockets everywhere, we will have the credit.

Donald Trump on space exploration. And rich guys. And the monopoly credit.

53. "And I told my people, 'Let them do it because they reach the moon with their money, we'll take all the credit, OK?' "They will forget it, no one will remember their name, but they will remember our names, so let them do it.

Classic trump. Let someone else pay for the space program, and we will take credit for it. And no one will remember their names, but they will remember us. Watch the sausage get done!

54. "We will win in space."

What would that imply exactly?

55. "By the way, Henry, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Force aerial, and what will we do with Space Force?

FORCE OF SPACE. People like that. You know what? Let's get it!

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