The 59 most extravagant lines of Donald Trump's speech in Montana


I went through the transcript of his speech. The 59 most remarkable lines are below.

1. "Hello Montana, it'll be a lot of fun."

2. "But there's no place like a Trump rally, do not we? We're having a good time, we're having a good time."

Agree, agree, agree.

3. "And more Americans are working today than ever, ever, ever."

[narrator voice] There are more Americans today than ever before.

4. "Our coal miners are back to work."

Kind of. But not, according to experts, because of Trump's administration policies.

5. "Sick, it's sick!"

The President of the United States on how Senate Democrats have addressed confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

6. "I'll tell you what, this man fought for more than one condition for your condition, he fought for your condition."

Trump refers to Rep. Greg Gianforte who won a special election for the Montana & s House House last year. During this campaign, Gianforte assaulted a journalist. And if you think Trump is not referring to this episode – and presents it as a credit to Gianforte – you do not know Trump.

7. "We started the wall, everyone wants the wall."

According to a PRRI poll in late June, 63% of people oppose the construction of the wall along our southern border.

8. "You will lose your right to these weapons, you will lose your second amendment, be careful, be careful, be careful."

This is a very common Trump chorus – both during the 2016 campaign and now as president. This plays on the long-held fear among conservatives that if a Democratic president is elected, there will be a mass collection of all legally owned guns by the government. There is little real evidence that this type of mass confiscation would be on the agenda of a Democratic president.

9. "Admiral Jackson has been subjected to horrible lies and smears."

Trump still carries the torch for Ronny Jackson, his White House doctor, whose appointment at the head of the VA was hampered by a series of allegations about his personal behavior. The allegations included that Jackson mishandled pain medication and was drunk at times during presidential trips.

10. "I suppose I'm a politician, think about it, I did not mean that, one of the few times I said it, yes, I'm a politician."

Trump: I'm calling Donald Trump. And I am a politician.

Crowd: Hello, Donald.

11. "I only ran once, and it was for the president, and I won.How did this happen? Agreement?"


12. "It's actually the doctor who gave me my physique, and he said I'm in great shape."

If you wonder why Trump is still so difficult for Jackson, that's it. Jackson gave him a brilliant health report – a performance in front of the press that Trump watched and admired.

13. "Those – the very good ones of Justice, you know – I call Justice, but she is judge, but she is Justice for me – Jeanine, we like her, Judge Jeanine By Gregg Jarrett. And for Bongino? "He has a very successful book. Why not Bongino? "

In Donald Trump, the books of the world that are "good" are the ones who praise him. The three books that he mentioned – all of which were written by Fox News personalities – do so.

14. "But Admiral Jackson, his reputation was attacked, and all those horrible things that were said about him turned out to be lies and they turned out to be false."

He's still on Jackson! In addition, while Jackson denied allegations of misconduct, no evidence was given that the charges were "false" or "false".

15. "And any of them will probably be a candidate to run against your favorite of all time, the president, me."

Just the President of the United States telling the crowd that he is their favorite president. Not much! Totally normal things!

16. "When I see the anger of what they say, to an intellect far greater than theirs, not even a contest."

Trump refers to the Democratic Senate and Kavanaugh here. And in doing so, by offering even more evidence of how he believes in intelligence – or what he perceives as intelligence, it's up to his conception of people. Being brilliant, what Trump seems to define as having gone to an Ivy League school, is the greatest compliment he can pay you. Having a "low IQ" – as he claimed California, Maxine Waters (D) does – is one of his biggest problems.

17. "Ronny Jackson is a great man, Ronny Jackson has led a beautiful and beautiful life, and having lies about him, I would never repeat what they are."

So. A lot. Ronny. Jackson.

18. "Do we like Sean Hannity, by the way? Agreed?"


19. "I get up here to give speeches for an hour and a half, many times without notes, and then they say he lost it, and yet we have 25,000 people who present at speeches. "

Follow the logic here: Trump claims that he can not be losing it because so many people show up to hear him talk. And because he can talk for a long time. Without notes. So here is.

20. "And I respectfully say that I beat the Bush dynasty, OK?"

[narrator voice] He does not really mean "respectfully".

21. "Now I have the privilege of fighting Hillary Clinton."

The election of 2016 has ended 668 days ago.

22. "Frankly, if we did not know better, and maybe we start discovering things we did not know, it's hard and hard to win that popular vote."

This is Trump's now familiar riff on his electoral college victory. What does he mean by "we start discovering things we did not know"? Oh, I have no idea. And most likely neither.

23. "I defeated the Bush Dynasty, Respectfully."

Yes, you just said that. Respectfully.

24. "I beat Hillary, who stole it from Bernie."

Does the President's testimony provide for the alleged theft of the Democratic presidential candidacy? None, of course.

25. "Bernie should be angry, why is not he angry? Bernie crazy. He's so crazy."

So, Bernie Sanders should be angry. But he East crazy? Man, what a rich text.

26. "He's sitting behind a microphone, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, blah, blah, blah," the hair is flying, he's going crazy. He becomes crazy. "

Clarification: Trump talks about Sanders, not himself, here.

27. "I think I'm pretty competent, right? Do not you think so?"

The best way to prove competence is to ask a crowd of strangers if you are competent. This is known.

28. "I just arrived on stage and it was said that Kim Jong Un had said great things about me."

Foreign leaders – including the North Korean dictator – are well aware that the best way to get Trump to treat you properly is to congratulate him. And so, they rent it.

29. "He likes me, I like him, who knows what will happen?"

Trump is not so complicated. He loves people who love him, people who praise him, people who affirm his faith in himself as a great man of history.

30. "It's always nice when a president or prime minister calls me sir. That means he has some respect."

And I rest my case.

31. "If I had done what they said, or if I would have done what those consultants and those people I was watching on TV, we had the habit of doing that, they all failed, they failed miserably. "

"I do not watch a lot of television, mainly because of documents, I read documents, a lot." – Donald Trump, November 2017

32. "One of my best encounters was with Vladimir Putin."

Trump's performance at the Helsinki summit with the Russian president has been widely criticized by Russian experts and Republican elected officials.

33. "And you know, when I came out of the scene, they all said it was an excellent meeting."

[narrator voice] Nobody said that.

34. "I am president, you are president, we win."

Wait. Wait. I am President C & # 039; is an exciting new!

35. "How do you attack someone who does a great job and does nothing wrong?"

Well, you see, Mr. Speaker, "doing a good job" is not really a criterion when considering an indictment.

36. "How do you do it, how do you do it, how do you do it?"

Look, man. if I knew I would have told you the first time you asked.

37. "But let's say that a democrat is elected, and let's say we have a republican house, we're going to attack this democrat, is not it?"

Just the President of the United States saying that his party should indict a Democratic president (in the future) only because they would be Democrats.

38. "But if it happens, it's your fault, because you did not go out to vote, OK, you did not go out to vote."

If Trump is attacked, it is the fault of his supporters! Epic.

39. "Today's Democratic Party is being held hostage by haters, absolute haters, leftist haters, angry crowds, deep state radicals, and their false allies. "

This seems to be an oversimplification. Maybe even an exaggeration ???

40. "I mean, you look at the Washington Post or the New York Times, I can never have a good story."

A reminder: the work of any media covering the president is not about producing good (or bad) stories. It's to account for what the president does and how it unfolds in the country.

41. "I mean, you look at this horrible thing that's happened today, it's really – is it subversion? Is it treason? It's a horrible thing. "

Trump refers to the anonymous editorial written by a senior official of his administration and published by The New York Times. And, no, writing a review of your boss (aka the president) is not a betrayal.

42. "CNN will shut down, they are almost bankrupt now, if you look at their notes."

43. "They apologized for their poor coverage of me, they apologized to their subscribers, because after winning, everyone said," What happened? "

Trump says all the time. This is not true. He talks about this letter to subscribers sent by Arthur Sulzberger Jr. shortly after the elections. Read it. This is not an excuse.

44. "On the way, I saw a liberal expert, he was filled with anger and he was attacking me as well as our great administration."

"I do not watch a lot of television, mainly because of documents, I read documents, a lot." – Donald Trump, November 2017

45. "He was – no one knows who he is, or she, although they put it, but it's probably a little disguise.That means it's her." "

Trump would have a list of a dozen people who, according to him, could have been the author of the editorial. And, yes, he intends to know who did it.

46. ​​"People who do not dig us exactly and they do not exactly like me, they fight for us."

Words that I would never have thought to hear Donald Trump say "Dig us".

47. "You can go back a little, but we are so respected."

I have no idea what the first half of this sentence has to do with the second half.

48. "We will win, we will win, we will win, we will always win."

"Winner!" – Charlie Sheen

49. "Like you, you, me, we are intelligent, we are really intelligent."

Hey, great job everyone. [Pats self on back]

50. "We grow up, that's called growth."

The root word is "grow" – from the old English "growan".

51. "We will not have any crime."

This seems like a hard promise to keep. Unless…

52. "So now you're leaving – ah, a beautiful farm, a husband, a wife, and you love your children, by the way, if you do not love your children, do not leave them that." Don & # 39; Do not worry about it, so it will not help you too much. "

No words.

53. "I mean, we're not just talking about getting on the moon, getting on Mars, we're talking about it, you need it, now you need it."

54. "You know, when Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address speech, the great speech, do you know that he was ridiculed? He was ridiculed."

[narrator voice] He was not.

55. "Many of us know it by memory."

Serious Question: Does Donald Trump suggest that he knows Gettysburg's speech from memory? Because …

56. "It was too flowery, four and seven years ago, is not it? Too flourished. And it's dead."

Pretty good summary of the last days of Abraham Lincoln.

57. "Look at this guy's size Look at this guy, do I like him?"

So, he said that. No idea.

58. "They did not show it in the movie.You see, what they lack, is that this movie would have been much more successful if they were planting the flag as they were supposed to do it. "

This is a reference to a new movie about the landing of the moon in which the flag planting by American astronauts is not included. The film is not out yet (it will be released on October 12th), so it's hard to see how Trump could predict that it would have been more successful if the producers set up the flag planting scene.

59. "Because we are America, and our hearts bleed red, white, and blue."

Wait, the blood is blue in your body and red when oxygen hits it. When is it white? How did I miss it at school?

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