The 6 brothers and sisters of the deputy turn against him in the advertisement of the opponent


The brothers and sisters of the Republican deputy of Phoenix, Paul Gosar, made of the political rivalry between brothers and sisters.

Six of Gosar's brothers and sisters appeared in a political advertisement Friday, condemning their brother and supporting his Democratic opponent, Dr. David Brill. The ad titled "A Family Defends Its Honor" features siblings Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David.

Brill seeks to overthrow Gosar, who has represented Arizona's 4th congressional district since 2013, in the upcoming midterm elections. In his campaign video, the siblings of the reps in place reject their brother's far-right political stance on immigration, the environment, and health care. Gosar supported President Donald Trump.

"We have to defend our good reputation," says Brother David in the announcement. "It's not who we are."

"I could not stay quiet longer and no one should be," said his sister Grace.

"I think my brother exchanged a lot of the values ​​we had at our kitchen table," said Sister Joan.

In a statement about advertising, Dr. Brill said that Gosar brothers and sisters were long considered critical of their brother Paul, but that is the first time that they approve a candidate or are actively participating in a political campaign.

"They feel it's civic duty, making their public statements even more compelling," he said.

Brill acknowledged that speaking against their brother was not easy for siblings Gosar.

"I greatly appreciate and admire the courage of the Gosar family by taking the national front for this vital message," he said. "We must all honor their commitment to work to build a better future for all Americans. It is a commitment I believe in and for which I will fight. "

The six people who spoke were not the only brothers and sisters of the congressman. He is one of 10 children and three of his other siblings do not seem to have participated. Congressman Gosar did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Despite the powerful publicity, the odds seem to be in favor of Gosar. The poll shows that Gosar has a 99.9% chance of being reelected.

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