The 93 Memorial commemorates the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in Shanksville, Pennsylvania


Nearly 17 years after the September 11 attacks, a monument commemorating the victims of the fourth hijacked plane, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed into a Pennsylvania field after passengers and crew fought a group of terrorists. .

The 93-foot high chime tower, dubbed "The Tower of Voices", was unveiled on Sunday as the last element of Flight 93's 2,200-acre memorial, the Associated Press reported. The steel monument was built to recall the 40 heroes who perished after their New Jersey plane in California was hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001.

According to the National Park Foundation, which funded the project, the goal of the monument is to "create a set of 40 tones that can signify the serenity and nobility of the site while recalling the event that has dedicated the site."

In addition to the 93-foot tall monument that coincides with Flight 93, The Tower of Voices also features dozens of chimes, one each representing the flight, each broadcasting its own sound.

"Together, their voices will resonate forever, with this beautiful wind from Somerset County, Pennsylvania," said Stephen Clark, Park Manager, USA today.

On September 11, 2001, four hijackers took the cockpit close to an hour of flying with the intention of hitting the White House. However, as the plane flew over Pennsylvania, passengers and the crew heroically attempted to recover the plane and thwart the terrorists' mission.

"When they learned that, it galvanized them as a group," Clark said. "They said, 'We will not go back to any airport. This is a suicide mission. "

After developing a plan, the hostages stormed the cockpit where the hijackers were sailing in the plane. A fight broke out, causing the plane to fall into a field below.

Paul Murdoch, the architect who created The Tower of Voices, said his vision was to celebrate their voices. "We wanted to do it, I would call it a living memorial, because the last memory of many people in the plane was their voice during phone calls," he said. "And we wanted to use the natural forces of the site to activate the chimes."

President Donald Trump is expected to arrive in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on Tuesday to attend the 17th anniversary event. He will be joined by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

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