The 93 Memorial Flight honors the fight of September 11, the courage


The events of September 11, 2001 in the United States are simply called 9/11.

On that brightIn the clear morning 17 years ago, al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four large passenger planes for use as missiles of war. The four planes were flying across the country to California with a full tank of fuel.

None of them succeeded.

September 11 Terrorist attacks

September 11 Terrorist attacks

Flight 11 was the first to take off. He did it in Boston, Massachusetts at 7:59 in the morning.

Forty-seven minutes later, he crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

Flight 175 also took off from Boston and crashed into the south tower a few minutes after Flight 11.

In Washington DC, Flight 77 crashed on the Pentagon after take-off.

Twenty-six minutes later, Flight 93 crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania.

At 10:03 that morning, the operation of al-Qaeda aircraft had caused severe destruction. All air traffic was stopped in the United States. At the end of the day, 2,996 people lost their lives.

The crash sites are commemorated in New York and Washington, DC. Memorial Flight 93, located in rural hills near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, is a national park. It was used for mine area coal until 1995.

Flight trajectory of visitors center of flight 93

Flight trajectory of visitors center of flight 93

The Visitor Center of Flight 93 tells the story of the events of Flight 93.

The plane took off with 37 passengers – including the four pirates of the air – as well as seven crew members. As he was flying west towards Cleveland, Ohio, the hijackers introduced themselves cockpit and injured the pilot and co-pilot.

An air traffic controller in Cleveland heard the screams.

The pirates of the air had taken control of the plane. They tried to tell passengers that there was a bomb in the plane and that they were coming back to the airport. But they made this announcement by mistake at the air traffic control center.

The plane then turned back over Cleveland. Investigators then found evidence that the plane was heading to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

Passengers and crew members were forced to the rear of the plane by the pirates of the air.

With in-flight phones and mobile phones, passengers began calling civil servants and their families. In all, 37 calls were made. Thanks to these calls, passengers and crew learned about the attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They understood that their plane was also on a suicide mission.

CeeCee Lyles Flight 93 crew member

CeeCee Lyles Flight 93 crew member

CeeCee crew member Lyles called her husband with a message.

Hi baby. I am, baby, you must listen to me carefully. I am in a plane that has been hijacked. I just want to tell you that I like you. Tell my children that I love them very much. There are three guys, they hijacked the plane. I tried to be calm, we went back and I heard that there were planes that were flown to the World Trade Center. I hope to see your face again, baby. I like you, Hi.

At the back of the plane, passengers and crew members discussed the situation. They took a vote and decided to act.

They decided to defend themselves.

They ran into the cockpit to stop the pirates from the air. The plane has left its way over rural Pennsylvania. he shaken back and forth and rolled.

Site of the crash of Flight 93

Site of the crash of Flight 93

Moments later, 906 kilometers to the hour, he crashed into an open field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The strength of the crash created a huge crater about 4 meters and a half deep and nine meters in diameter.

Had the plane kept its speed and flight path, it would have arrived in Washington, DC in less than 20 minutes.

Next to the reception center, the memorial includes a walking trail. The path is designed to resemble the unplanned flight path of Flight 93. The path allows visitors to view the site of the accident.

Flight trajectory of Flight 93 looking at the scene of the accident

Flight trajectory of Flight 93 looking at the scene of the accident

It's a quiet place and reflective in law. Here, visitors learn that about 1,000 people from over 70 agencies worked day and night to collect and examine evidence and personal belongings.

After the collection of evidence, the soil was returned to the ground. The grass and wildflowers were planted in what is now sacred ground.

Visitors cross the trees groves on the way to Memorial Plaza. There are 40 groves of 40 hemlocks. The number 40 is significant. It represents the number of passengers and crew on Flight 93.

Commemorative Wall of Flight 93

Commemorative Wall of Flight 93

At the end of the square is the Wall of Names. It's a simple white wall that contains 40 pieces of marble. Each marble is named after a passenger or member of the crew.

The memorial was finally completed on Sunday with the opening of the voices tower. This is a 40 meter high musical instrument wind chimes. Each chime produces an individual sound. The music created is reminiscent of the struggle and courage of the 40 people who shot down Flight 93 in an empty, rural field. Their actions helped save many lives.

Flight 93 Round the voices

Flight 93 Round the voices

I'm Dorothy Gundy.

Dorothy Gundy reported on this story and produced the video for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the publisher.

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Words in this story

bright adj. filled with light

area – not. the top layer of an area of ​​land or water

cockpit – not. the area in an airplane where the pilot sits

shaken – v. move something back and forth or from left to right

crater – not. a big round hole in the ground made by something falling from the sky

reflective – adj. think carefully about something

sacred – adj. very appreciated and important: deserves great respect

grove – not. a small group of trees

marble – not. a stone often polished and used in buildings and statues

wind chimes – not. a collection of objects in metal, glass, etc., assembled by ropes and touching to create a musical sound when they are blown by the wind

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