The abolition of the ICE becomes a litmus test


Abolishing the Immigration and Customs Agency (ICE) is fast becoming a litmus test for Democrats after the victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Democratic primary

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand Trump Strikes Dems Pushing to Abolish ICE: "They're going to be So Beaten" Dem Legislator: ICE Became a "Rogue Agency" Democratic Congressman: "I was proud of" 39, be arrested with the protestors of the immigration PLUS (DN.Y.) Thursday became the first senator to call for the demolition of the ICE, arguing that He became "a deportation force."

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) did the same on Friday, saying, "We should abolish ICE."

And on Saturday, Senator Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Ann WarrenTrump strikes Dems by pushing abolish ICE: "They are going to be beaten so hard" Democratic lawmakers join protests nationwide against Trump's immigration policies Abolir ICE becomes a decisive test MORE ( D-Mass.) Called to "replace ICE" while tearing the ugly "immigration" practices of the administration.

"President T's deeply immoral actions have made it clear that we must rebuild our immigration system from the ground up, starting by replacing the ICE with something that reflects our morality and that works. ", She said at a rally in Boston

." Are likely to put pressure on other Democrats for that they adopt similar positions and could blur the race for presidential nomination. " Democrat of 2020.

California Sen. Kamala Harris Kamala Devi HarrisDem legislator: ICE became a "rogue agency" Abolish ICE becomes litmus test Warren Warren joins calls to get rid of ICE MORE [19659004] (D), who like Gillibrand is considered a potential candidate from 2020, earlier in the week called on his party to "critically review ICE" and even "think from scratch."

Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernard (Bernie) SandersDem legislator: ICE became a "rogue agency" Abolir ICE becomes litmus test Warren Warren joins calls to get rid of ICE MORE (I-Vt.), Another likely candidate, has been criticized by liberal activists after refusing to go that far. Donald John TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must "change tactics" on trade Trump is looking to buy a historic Scottish building for the hotel: Republican report wins right to replace Farenthold in Congress PLUS

Calls to the abolition of ICE in the Democrats resumed after 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez defeated Republican Joseph Crowley (NY) in a frustrated match.

Ocasio-Cortez called for the abolition of the ICE, and his victory over a member of the Democratic House leadership echoed all over the party, highlighting the fact that he had won the election. importance of the question on the left.

ICE was increasingly criticized amid headlines about children being separated from their parents at the border, a Trump policy that he moved to the end last week.

ICE has also been accused of illegally arresting illegal immigrants in courthouses and conducting aggressive raids against businesses such as 7-Eleven stores, factories and businesses. meat packaging and landscaping businesses. it could also be risky for a party that needs to win suburban seats to regain the majority in the House, and Senate seats in the states won by Trump to win the upper house

19659025] Charles (Chuck ) Ellis Schumer Night Care: Judge Blocks Job Requirements From Kentucky Medicaid | Trump officials plan cuts to ObamaCare | House probes HHS office in charge of migrant children Overnight Health Care: Amazon enters the pharmacy sector | Two Republicans to play a central role in the fight against abortion Supreme Court | Lewandowski: Pelosi is not the leader of the Democratic Party MORE (N.Y.) Gave a note of caution, not stopping to call for the elimination of ICE.

"ICE does some functions that are very much needed Reform ICE, yes, that's what I think we should do," he said on Friday .

A former Democratic Senate advisor warned that appeals from senators such as Gillibrand could pose a danger to some of his colleagues.

"She runs for the president," said the source, who asked for anonymity to discuss Gillibrand's motives. "It's something that's hard for the state-red senators."

To demand that the ICE be abolished will certainly not play well everywhere, say the Democrats.

"This is not something we really hear about in North Dakota, even from the farthest left flank," said a Democratic official.

Trump defeated Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonComey Do not talk to him anymore: "I managed to annoy everyone" Abolish ICE becomes demmusmus test Maher asks Michael Moore to go out of his way. he has "reflections" on firearms now that 'fascism' is coming to America & # 39; by 36 Sen (Heidi) Kathryn HeitkampSunday shows insight: Supreme Court fights to light Abolir ICE becomes litmus test Gillibrand mistakenly claims that Democrats voted for Donald Trump's first Supreme Court Nominee MORE [19659004] (D) faces a difficult reelection race. Steven S. Smith, professor of political science at the University of Washington in St. Louis, said the harsh enforcement actions taken by ICE officials in recent months have so inflamed the public feeling that there could be a political argument to replace it completely.

"This is a problem that can be considered a good government problem and the fact that it is related to the Trump administration, where there is some kind of malice in the government. immigration from the top certainly echoes the Democrats Democratic strategists claim that even though Trump's border policies are controversial and even unpopular with many voters in the Red States, vulnerable Democrats must be careful not to be portrayed as anti-law.

"Immigration is always a politically delicate issue. Both parties are bored, "said Jim Kessler, senior vice president of politics at Third Way, a centrist democratic think tank. "There are as many regional differences as there are ideological differences."

"This is a problem that is being played out differently in different parts of the country," he added.

Kessler says Democrats must rally to the principles of the 2013 Immigration Reform Bill, of which Schumer was the co-author

He paved the way for citizenship to millions of immigrants, revised the country's legal immigration system and provided billions of dollars for the enforcement of borders. A large bipartisan vote but not going anywhere in the House controlled by the GOP.

Kessler, however, said that he understood the frustration of many Democrats.

"When you take away children from parents at the border, you are" We have a situation that we would never have thought we saw in this country where we take children and "

At the moment the base of the party boiling with anger because of Trump's immigration policies, the total abolition of ICE, something that would have been a drastic move only a few months ago, is now seen as a measure of l & # 39; The audacity that many liberals say is long overdue.

Steve Jarding, a Democratic strategist and former advisor to several former conservative statesmen, thinks calls for the abolition of ICE is a good policy for Democrats.

"If the abolition of ICE becomes a cornerstone something, I think it's probably good for the holiday. ICE has become subverted, "said Jarding.

He argued that Trump uses the agency as a tool to" radicalize his racist policy against anyone not living in this country. "

" The party must to start defending something, "he said, 19659002] He says the ICE has never been destined to become the kind of police it is today.

He said Crowley's loss in the New York Democratic Party helped to clarify the issue

"Young US voters do not believe that the immigration policies that Trump promulgates are just ", he said.

Jordain Carney contributed to this story.

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