The abuse of alcohol kills more than three million people a year, most of the victims are men


A surprising new report shows that amidst the deadly crisis of opioids, alcohol consumption remains responsible for 1 in every 20 deaths worldwide. According to a World Health Organization report More than 3 million people have died due to the harmful use of alcohol in 2016.

"We live in a time when we are talking about opiates and opioids and heroin, and it's for a good reason, but this study shows a number of things." Certified clinical addiction counselor Scott Watson said.

More than three quarters of these deaths involved men. Watson says that the behavior associated with the consumption of alcohol is the biggest problem.

"Alcohol is a problem, when it's a problem, so if you have legal problems, it's a problem, if your spouse or children are angry or worried about you, then that's a problem. that's what happens when we drink, "Watson said.

The study showed that 28% of alcohol-related deaths were due to injuries, such as road accidents or self-injury; 21% resulted from digestive disorders; 19% were due to cardiovascular diseases; and the rest involved other health problems like cancer. Watson says that these latest data are shocking, but he wants to send the message of his personal experience that recovery is possible.

"None of us knows what will happen once in recovery phase.The first step is to realize that there is a problem and ask for help and let someone else be your guide, from a problem to a better place. " in life, "said Watson.

He says the first step should be to make the global problem a conversation within your family.

"If it starts at the grassroots level, then we can create the tidal wave of change that translates into good results," Watson said.

Watson runs Heartland Intervention and can help families have difficult discussions with their loved ones.

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