The Academy dismisses the Oscar of the popular film in a year that does not need it


Just weeks after the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Cinema announced a controversial new category of Oscar recognizing "achievements in popular films," the organization still refused the trophy. "The introduction of a new award has elicited a lot of feedback, and we recognize the need to continue discussions with our members," said Dawn Hudson, executive director of the academy, putting in place before this controversial debate. .

Rumors ran that the academy could rethink the new category, but had she ever been really thoughtful? The August 8 announcement of the new category contained no rules on how candidates could be determined, and critics blanked out the idea that box office results or blockbuster budgets could become criteria for a price of 90 years.

After the initial confusion, questions continued to arise, namely that the academy was struggling to respond. Was it right for ABC, the Oscar-nominated network, to push for such a price when its parent company (Disney) is doing the kind of blockbusters that would likely satisfy the category – Marvel movies, Star Wars movies and Pixar movies ? Is there a reversal of the price of popularity by ghettoising the big movies that would argue otherwise for the best picture? And what about Netflix, the streaming service that has a lot of Oscar nominees this year, but refuses to publish figures revealing their popularity?

The irony is that this year's show may not have needed such a price. "Black Panther", the most profitable film to date, is almost certain to be nominated in several categories, including the best picture, and it could even win its first Oscar in a category like Ruth E.'s best costume. Carter. held on the rest of the field. If ABC executives had sought to find room in television broadcasting for superhero movies, they did not have to worry, and the removal of a price of popularity would only reinforce the fact that pivotal art work.

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