The Academy of Pharmaceutical Students will raise awareness of breast cancer


Activities & Organizations

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This month, the Women's Resource Center is partnering with breast cancer charities in America to raise awareness about breast cancer risks and will host a variety of events. | Aisha Bouderdaben / The Daily Cougar

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Students can stop at the podium in front of the student center on October 16th. | Photo file / The cougar

On the occasion of the October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Academy of Student Pharmacists at the University of American Pharmacists (UH) plans to educate students at the campus through various events.

According to, breast cancer is the leading cancer in women, of which 30% of newly diagnosed cancers are breast cancers.

IIt's important to have regular check-ups every month with a self-check, and annual check-ups with a doctor, as a precaution, to quickly detect symptoms, said Kaycie Rathburn, a graduate student at the College of UH pharmacy and pharmacist.

Events to raise awareness include Silk Rose Jubilee and Pink Lemonade Stand Informational.

Rathburn is one of the leading advocates for these projects and plans to let students know that early prevention is the best prevention.

For women who have already had breast cancer, it is important that they undergo regular follow-up exams in order to be able to ensure that radiotherapy treatments do not result in any late side effects, said Yasmin Hasan, an assistant professor in the faculty of medicine at the University of Chicago. interview. Hasan specializes in the treatment of breast cancer.

One of the main reasons why Rathburn is dedicated to raising awareness throughout the month is to honor his grandmother who is fighting breast cancer.

Rathburn decided to organize these events because she noticed a lack of awareness about women's health and she wanted to create events for women.

However, Rathburn also wants to educate men about the epidemics that occur in men diagnosed with breast cancer.

"If we can at least help educate, help early prevention and give people facts, it will help us. We felt that information about women's health was lacking, "said Rathburn.

Rathburn hopes that students understand that breast cancer is a disease that does not discriminate.

"We never know who this is going to be, but at least we can help inform people, if the time has come, they can convey the message or have it for themselves," she said. declared.

It is essential to take the necessary precautions to be controlled, as well as not to worry about using pharmacists, said Rathburn.

The second annual Silk Rose Jubilee event will be held to raise awareness. Speakers from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and Bonnie Castle, a Stage 3 breast cancer survivor, will speak about her experience in the fight against the disease.

UH President Kappa Epsilon – an association of pharmacy professionals – and a third-year student at UH School of Pharmacy, Abigail Wright, is one of the key coordinators who helped plan the Silk Jubilee Rose since July.

"I think it will be a truly unique and very different event for the College of Pharmacy," said Wright referring to the Silk Rose Jubilee event.

Wright hopes that this will be an opportunity for more empathy to be brought into play at the patient level towards the pharmacist.

"I think a lot of people are exposed to cancer, whether it's through a family member or a close friend," Wright said.

The Kappa Epsilon section of UH comprises six graduate students. Wright stated that Kappa Epsilon was originally created to promote women in pharmacy and that over the years she has been geared towards promoting cancer awareness programs.

"I think it will be an opportunity for some people to extend their professionalism, to get more empathy and to really think about the human being on the other side of the counter or the pharmacy room." said Wright. "So, that's the change I want to see."

"When Kaycie's organization introduced its new women's health initiative, it was the perfect match between our passion and their people," said Wright.

The information booth Pink Lemonade Stand will be an event gathering pharmacist students who will inform students about cancer and prevention techniques. It will give students the opportunity to donate to The Rose of Houston.

The Houston Rose is an organization that aims to provide women who do not have insurance or access to health care the care they need, said Rathburn.

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Keywords: Academy of Pharmaceutical Students, American Pharmacists Association, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer

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