The accidental call of an American woman in a sandwich shop saved the life of her veteran brother, here's how


An American woman found help in the most unlikely places when she was desperately trying to rescue her injured brother. Lisa Nagengast has just returned to her home in Tampa, United States, after spending a few days with her brother in Columbus to see him undergo a spinal surgery and then resettle him at home. He suffered a lot, his incision site was defective and he could not feel his left leg. At that moment, he was alone.


"He said," My left leg is numb, I am agonizing and I can not walk, "Nagengast said. Yahoo Lifestyle. After getting off the plane, she called him back and he explained to his sister the complicated scenario.

He can not call 911 because he is disabled and if paramedics decide that his condition is not life-threatening, he may have to pay for all medical expenses Yahoo News. There were only two taxi drivers in town and no Uber, and he did not have the means to pay for a car anyway. To make matters worse, he did not feel comfortable with his social worker and was reluctant to call him.

"I will drive myself to the hospital," said 48-year-old Holeman on voicemail.



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    But Nagengast put his foot on it and did not allow him to move. She forced him to give his social worker number to get help. Just when she dialed the number, things took a strange turn. Nagengast did not know that she had dialed the wrong number. He reached a sandwich shop called Jimmy Johns and above all, let slip his delicate situation.

    Nagengast repeated his story. "I need your help.If you need me to pay for this, I will do it.We must get there."

    The manager said he had drivers and that he could send one to help his brother. He would call her back in 15 minutes. The director, who was himself a veteran of the war, immediately found a way to help his brother.

    Nagengast then appreciated the incredible act of kindness of Jimmy John's workers. It is certain that this story will remain unchanged for generations.

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