The ACLU breaks the nonpartisan tradition by opposing Brett Kavanaugh


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In an unusual break with their own policies, the American Civil Liberties Union announced that it opposed the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

The ACLU is non-partisan – it does not oppose or support candidates for judicial or political office – but the group said in a statement released Saturday afternoon that its board of directors had held an "extraordinary meeting, and had chosen to make an exception to this policy".

The group said he did so because he believes that there are allegations of credible sexual assault against the candidate.

"This is not a decision made lightly," said the organization in a resolution passed by the board of directors. "We can not be silent in these extraordinary circumstances about a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country, the standard for such an appointment should be high and the burden shifts to the candidate. Is not satisfied as long as there are unresolved issues regarding credible allegations of sexual assault. "

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