The acquisition of Golden Tate by the Eagles makes their pursuit of the Redskins more interesting


The Eagles have become the second team of the NFC East over the past eight days to acquire a talented wide receiver, marking the end of the day's closing NFL negotiations on Tuesday.

A little over a week after the Cowboys sent Amari Cooper's first Raiders player, the Eagles gave the Lions a third-round pick in exchange for Golden Tate. The transaction was concluded a few hours before 4 pm HE delay.

The big gap of 30 years is in the middle of another productive campaign. In seven games with the Lions, he caught 44 balls, averaging 11.8 yards per shot and three goals.

Plus, Tate has not finished his season with less than 90 shots since 2013. He's very hard to get into the slot machine and has long been one of the best players after capturing the NFL .

At the dawn of Week 9, the Eagles are waiting a game and a half behind the Redskins, leaders of their division. Assuming that Tate is successful in the attack on Carson Wentz and his new team, he immediately reinforces the Eagles' attack.

Philadelphia and Washington have not played yet, which means that Jay Gruden's team will face the defending champion twice. These two meetings will take place in December, the first in the 13th week and the second in the final.

For fans of Bordeaux and gold wondering why their favorite franchise was not caught in Tate, check out Jay Gruden's comments on the podcast Redskins Talk. The head coach told JP Finlay that the imminent return of Jamison Crowder and Trey Quinn makes the idea of ​​raising another less realistic threat.

"With the current makeup and some of the injuries that persist, it will be difficult to add another body," said Gruden.

"I like our team," he added. "I really do not think we need changes at the moment."


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