The actor & # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39; basically confirms the flashback theory of his fans about Sequel


What we do not know about the forthcoming "Avengers" goes far beyond what we do, given the seriousness with which Marvel takes the secret around his universe.

But that did not stop fans from theorizing what happens after the events of "Avengers: Infinity War" (spoil alert!) when a good part of the group of superheroes dissolve into a pile of ashes at the end of the film.

Several films with crime fighters, dear missing, have already been announced, including "Spider-Man: Far From Home" and the recent "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ", so we know that they will be back in a form Many people suspect that time travel will be used to revisit the key moments of the movies of the past in order to reverse the devastating cliché of the big bad Thanos which has eliminated half the population of the universe.

Actor Frank Grillo, aka Crossbones, Hydra agent and major actor of Captain America in several Marvel films, confirmed that flashbacks would be used in the untitled title "Avengers 4", giving some credence to fan theory .

"He's making an appearance in the upcoming" Avengers "movie, but it's a step back," Grillo said of his character in a recent UFC Uniltered podcast, "I'm allowed to say what I'm saying. want because I'm never doing another Marvel movie. "

Crossbones reached its end in "Captain America: Civil War" after detonating a deadly bomb, but it has already been confirmed that it would appear in the follow-up of "Infinity War".

Here is what we already know about "Avengers 4": leaked pictures of the set that surfaced earlier this year seem to show that Chris Evans wore his Captain America uniform around 2012 in a decor that looked like the decisive battle New York's first group of movie superheroes top.

Paul Rudd's "Ant-Man", which debuted after the inaugural film "Avengers", was also spotted, suggesting to many that time travel via the quantum realm could be the key to meeting heroes . Other theories include the almighty stone of the time and the retro-framing binalement augmented, technology introduced by Iron Man that allows the user to revisit the traumatic memories of the past.

Directors Joe and Anthony Russo announced the official debut of the film earlier this month with a cryptic photo that no one has been able to decipher yet.

Evans also bid farewell to the franchise in a heart-warming tweet a few weeks ago, writing that he was "forever grateful" for this opportunity and fueling fan speculation that he would perish in the after.

"It was an emotional day at least," Evans said.

Some of these secrets may be revealed when the film trailer is released before the end of the year.

"Avengers 4" will be released on May 3, 2019.

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