The actor "Better Call Saul" reveals that he cut his arm during a "psychotic" period of his life


Todd Latourette, an actor with one arm in Albuquerque, New Mexico, begins to reveal his past and it turns out that the real story is a real whopper.

He spoke with the local news channel of the city KOB-TV recently he admitted that he had not lost his arm while he was in the army. In reality, he says to have taped during a "psychotic episode". Since then, he has started to claim to be a veteran, which has certainly helped him get acting work in movies like George Clooney. Men watching goats, as well as programs like Longmire and in You better call Saul.

"I cut my hand with a jigsaw," he explained in the interview. "My state of mind was a psychotic episode."

He later explained that he had himself cauterized the injury. He also revealed that he was bipolar and that this violent act had occurred 17 years ago, while he was not taking his medication. But now he has taken back his medicine and wants to tell the truth.

"The film industry took a different point of view … that I was different and that they liked that," said Latourette. "They trusted me to be exactly what I said. I was a veteran. I was hired because I lied.

He also freely admits that doing the housework can destroy his chances of acting at any time, but it is a sacrifice that he is willing to do to purify the air.

"I was dishonorable. I kill my career by doing this, if someone thinks it was for personal edification, it is not the case, "he said. "I'm leaving the film industry in New Mexico. And willingly, just to say what I said.

Once, Latourette inspired people because they thought he was a veteran. Now he wants to encourage people with mental illness to get help.

"You have the power to take your medicine in the morning or in the evening. So, this, this speech of my life does not necessarily have to be yours. Because it's going fast … it's going fast.

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