The allegation of Kavanaugh is part of a socialist conspiracy


"They do not like what America is and what it represents, and they want to change us to another system.To do this, they have to control three things: the system education, the media and the courts – the first two of those they have, "Carson said. "The other they thought they had, but it was ripped under their noses in November 2016."

Now, Carson has continued, these forces "are like wet hornets, have completely lost control of the deep end, and the further they go, the more desperate they become," he said. "They do not consider themselves capable of controlling the courts for another generation, while there is still" chaos and destruction ".

Carson does not claim that socialists are plotting to seize American civic institutions. A spokesman for the Housing and Urban Development Department did not respond immediately to a CNBC call on Friday to ask for clarification on Carson's remarks.

Carson's comments were also notable in that he was among the first members of Trump's Cabinet to directly address the allegations, which divided the nation and threaten to increasingly divide the Republican party. The allegations were first reported to two Democratic lawmakers in July, but they only became public this month, as Kavanaugh's confirmation seemed almost assured.

Kavanaugh denied attacking Ford and agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding this allegation. On Friday afternoon, Ford officials were still negotiating terms under which the California psychology professor would be willing to testify before the committee about what she called a violent rape attempt in 1982.

A few hours before Carson spoke Friday, Trump abandoned the unusual restraint he had shown in recent days when he was discussing the allegation. The president directly attacked Ford accusing him of exaggerating what had happened and accused Democratic lawyers and conspiracy agents of ruining Kavanaugh.

The establishment's Republicans were quick to distance themselves from Trump's comments on Friday. But Carson pushed them further. Not only did he qualify the allegation of sexual assault in the context of a plot related to the Fabian Society, but he also expressed his concern that the allegations against Kavanaugh could deter the good people"

"The scariest part is that good people will be afraid to serve their government," said Carson at Values ​​Voters' audience. "They will not want to risk their reputation being tainted."

"Sexual predators are abominable," Carson added quickly, and there is "no room for me as far as I'm concerned".

"That said, we must always recognize that there are two aspects to each story, and I can specifically identify with Kavanaugh," he continued. The secretary then recounted an episode in his life where he was wrongfully accused of having fathered a child out of wedlock. Carson stated that this experience was the reason he could identify with Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is expected to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.

WATCH: Trump comments on Kavanaugh's allegations

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