The American Bar Association drops Kavanaugh's exam


The official, who refused to speak publicly, cited an ABA policy to end his evaluation process once the candidate has been selected.

"In accordance with the published policy and practices of the Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Affairs, once the judge or judge has been confirmed, the standing committee's rating process is closed," says the ABA website.

The group had previously stated that, due to allegations of sexual assault and Kavanaugh's behavior during the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27, this one would reassess his rating. Kavanaugh denied the charges against him.

"The basic principles that underlie the Senate's constitutional duty to advise and consent to federal judicial candidates require nothing less than a careful examination of the charges and the facts. of the FBI, "said ABA President Robert Carlson.

"Deciding to proceed without further investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the reputation of the Senate, but would also have a negative impact on the great confidence that the American people must have in the Supreme Court," he said. he adds.

Kavanaugh, the Republicans of the White House and Senate have repeatedly extolled the merits of ABA in the fight for confirmation.

"For 12 years, all those who appeared before me on the DC circuit praised my judicial temperament," Kavanaugh said during his audition at the end of September. "That's why I got the unanimous and well-qualified rating from the American Bar Association."

Senate committee presents judicial candidates classified as unskilled & # 39; by American Bar Association

Conservatives have often criticized the ABA and complained of its liberal tendency. The administration of George W. Bush, for example, broke with a practice that was more than 50 years old and did not call on an ABA special committee to preselect candidates for the presidency.

According to the ABA website, of the 131 candidates for the federal judiciary proposed by President Donald Trump, 125 were found to be "qualified" or "well qualified".

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