The ancient civilization in Jordan destroyed the huge meteorite


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Scientists have discovered the cause of the death of the ancient civilization that existed on the territory of modern Jordan 3,700 years ago. The study revealed that the meteorite had been destroyed.

In this regard, reports Science News.

The analysis of ancient rocks near the town of Tell El-Hammam was performed by scientists from the University of the Holy Trinity (Albuquerque, south-west of the country).

It helped me atIt became apparent that crystallization of minerals in the region occurred instantly, due to the high temperature.

The building was also demolished at the same time, evoking the remains of building foundations.

According to scientists, civilization has existed for 2,500 years. As a result of the cataclysm that occurred 3.7 thousand years ago, it was scratched from the surface of the earth. A meteorite destroyed at least five cities and hundreds of villages. The diameter of the affected area was 25 kilometers.

Previously, on the surface of Mars, had discovered the 8 km of the Buddha's head.

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