The announcement of Papa John puts real employees at work to fix his brand | CMO Strategy


Papa John's has fallen into turmoil because the dominant voice of its founder has sparked a lot of controversy, most recently when he used a racial insult during a conference call, which eventually leads to its exit.

Now, the US # 4 pizza chain is hoping that the broadcast of other voices, those of its employees, will help it repair the damage.

A 60-second spot, published online on Tuesday, marks the beginning of Papa John's first major campaign since founder John Schnatter used the word n ​​last May. The announcement was created by Endeavor, which Papa John's hired earlier this year after Laundry Service, the telephone agency during this training exercise, stopped managing creative tasks on the account.

With declining sales in long-standing restaurants and concerns about the financial stability of some franchisees, the chain is ready to deliver a new message.

"You've heard a voice from Papa John for a long time," said a Detroit franchisee, Alaura, in the video, suggesting that the channel has long used Schnatter as a spokesperson.

As the "Voices" spot suggests, the channel now plans to use a lot of other people in its commercials. The video features 24 people, including franchise owners and Papa John restaurant managers around the world, including people of color. The company says that they volunteered to appear in the campaign.

The video was directed by Ramaa Mosley, the first woman to make an advertisement for Papa John's, confirmed a spokeswoman. Mosely is the founder of Adolescent, a global creative studio dedicated to content created by young people for young people.

Even Papa John's logo at the end gets a name of transformation of sorts. The word Papa appears with the names of some of those appearing in the video that follow him in a quick scroll, which ultimately ends with "John's".

The line "Better Ingredients Better Pizza" always appears in the logo of the company. But Schnatter's face, appeared in many versions of the logo for years, including on pizza boxes, was cleaned of the chain's marketing materials after this summer's disaster.

The redesign of the image includes a microsite containing employee stories, its diversity and inclusion plans, as well as a selection of media selected for the company since its problems began. to generate widespread interest.

Papa John's had already stated that comparable store sales in North America had dropped 10.5% in July, after falling 6.1% in the second quarter. In August, it predicted that these sales, which would track the performance of long-standing sites, plunge from 7 to 10% this year.

In collaboration with the Interpublic Public Relations Agency Powell Tate, which Papa John's helped her to help earlier this year, IPG's Current Marketing says it's taking care of the media consumer and influencer engagement for Papa John's brand change efforts.

The announcement was posted on Tuesday. It should be aired on television from Saturday, with the intention of showing it during prime-time sports series and broadcasts, as well as on Hulu and Roku broadcasts.

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