The Antarctic emanates strange particles, and this could lead to a new physics


Something amazing is happening in Antarctica and scientists do not know how to handle this phenomenon. According to the researchers, the Antarctic ice emits strange particles, similar to high-energy cosmic rays, and they follow a pattern never seen before. This discovery shakes the foundations of modern physics and could even lead to new physics.

As the scientists have reported, the high-energy particles that fly out of the Earth's south pole cross our planet, move inland and out of the Antarctic. Particle physicists are disconcerted by this unusual behavior of these cosmic rays and have no clear explanation on this subject because they are not low energy neutrinos.

Two such events have occurred since March 2016, and both have been recorded by NASA's Antarctic Transient Impulse Antenna (ANITA), a balloon antenna flying over the South Pole. On the basis of these observations, many researchers have studied the phenomenon, but the explanations they provided were inconclusive.

Strange particles emanate from Antarctica, intriguing scientists and leading to new physics

"I thought," This model does not make much sense, "but ANITA's result is very intriguing. So I started to check it. I started talking to my office neighbor Steinn Sigurdsson to find out if we could possibly get more plausible explanations than the ones that have been published so far, "said Derek Fox, lead author of the new study. and researcher at Penn State University.

According to the new study, the anomalies detected by ANITA and also by IceCube are not related to SM neutrinos that could have similar behaviors to those from the Antarctic. Instead, Derek Fox and his colleagues think that the so-called stau sleepers might behave like neutrinos and look like them in observatories.

"As an observer, I absolutely can not know it's a stau. From my point of view (…) I'm experiencing a really weird phenomenon, "added Derek Fox.

Then, Fox and his collaborators need more data on the strange phenomenon that is taking place in Antarctica, but they think that this discovery could lead to a new physics and even a decent explanation of dark matter.

Erin VanDyke lives on the family farm and has over 35 years of practical experience in the use of livestock protection dogs for the control of predators. On their farm, Jan and his family use corgis as breeding dogs and raised Shetland sheep, faded goats, Morgan and Trakehner horses, and historical breeds of chickens and turkeys. Erin is also an active beekeeper.

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