The Antarctic has been mapped with precision and with striking details for the very first time



The Antarctic has the most detailed map of all parts of the worldOhio State University

Researchers from Ohio State University and the University of Minnesota have come together and created the most detailed terrain map of Antarctica to date. Called the Antarctic Reference Elevation Model (REMA), this map is not only the highest resolution of Antarctic platforms, it is the most detailed terrain map from all continents of the planet.

According to a report published by the universities, this map has a resolution of two to eight meters, which is quite remarkable, since most of the previous maps have a resolution of about 1000 meters.

"This is the highest resolution terrain map of any continent," said Ian Howat, professor of earth sciences and director of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at Ohio State University. "Until now, we had a better map of Mars than that of Antarctica.Now, it is the best mapped continent."

Howat led the mapping project and says that the continent's imaging data will change the way research is conducted there, especially as it continues to be updated.


Comparison of available anterior surface imaging (left) and REMA (right) shows significantly improved detailsOhio State University

At this resolution, he says, almost anything can be easily seen. Even the variations of the snow are clear. "We will be able to measure the evolution of the continent's surface over time."

As the map is updated, it is easy to study changes in snow cover and changes in the movement of ice, he said. River flow, flood levels and volcanic activity can be monitored. "It will be possible to see the thinning of glaciers."

Regarding the amount of data that such a card requires, the files occupy about 150 TB, or 150 000 GB of storage, indicates the version. By using this map, scientists will be able to plan field trips in advance, the statement said. There are no roads in the Antarctic wastelands, so a map like this would be handy.

"We had to start from scratch to build it, the software had to filter the data, process it, and transform it into a refined product for the broader scientific community," said Howatt. The imagery data, notes the publication, come from the constellation of polar-orbiting satellites that have traveled through Antarctic regions to take photos multiple times, at least 10 times per satellite.

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