The apocalypse at the time is a complete circle – Variety


SPOIL ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched "Apocalypse Then", the final episode of "American Horror Story: Apocalypse."

Entering "Apocalypse After", it seemed almost impossible that "American Horror Story" could sum up everything in one last episode. But he managed to get out of it, although the final was at a dizzying speed to do it. And there was even another return to "Murder House" before the episode for more than an hour.

First, following the annihilation of the Coven by Michael Langdon (Cody Fern), Myrtle Snow (Frances Conroy) visited Mutt and Jeff (Billy Eichner and Evan Peters, respectively) and Required that Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt (Leslie) Grossman) and his family be allocated places in outpost # 3 as part of the plan to conceal some witches at the end of the world. This would allow Mallory (Billie Heavy) to stay safe while fully accessing his powers.

That's how Coco and Mallory found themselves in the bunker with Venable (Sarah Paulson) and Mir-bot (Kathy Bates). As for Dinah (Adina Porter), she came there because of her complicity with Michael. Madison (Emma Roberts) and Myrtle wanted to burn her alive, but Cordelia (Paulson) would not leave them – not yet, anyway. They could not do anything to alert Michael of their plan.

When the apocalypse finally arrived, Cordelia, Myrtle and Madison buried themselves. They spent two years in hiding, but they came out like daisies, so to speak, when Mallory's powers were awakened inside the bunker. The trio headed to the outpost and the show finally caught up with the present, where most of the locals were dead, Michael and Mir-bot were preparing to leave and Brock (Eichner) wandered like a lost road warrior .

Michael confronted the witches and offered them a place at his table if they swore allegiance to him, but the only one to do so was Dinah – which was the perfect place for Angela Bassett to show up on the stage as her role as Marie Laveau. Yassss, queen of voodoo!

Cordelia had made an agreement with Papa Legba in which she would give him the vilest voodoo soul in exchange for bringing Mary back from hell. Marie cut Dinah's throat quickly and that was the end of this treacherous witch: "No more garbage. Greet Dad. Hi, Bassett.

Then, Marie blew up the robot robot and Madison took the arm of the machine gun to deceive Michael and riddled him with bullets, the "Scarface" style. It was great, but it did not kill him. It knocked him down, but he was too powerful to be dead from bullets. And guess who was not dead either? Brock jumped through a door and stabbed Mallory in the stomach. Cordelia was now busy trying to save Mallory while Michael ransacked the other witches.

He blew off Madison's head, tore up Marie's throbbing heart and bit, then broke Coco's neck and twisted it. Cordelia realized that there was only one way to continue their plan: she had to sacrifice herself so that Mallory could enjoy all her powers and go back in time before Michael's accession to power.

His words of farewell to Michael: "Satan has a son, but my sisters are legion, motherf–" must be one of the best "American Horror Story" lineages of the eight seasons.

Cordelia's death allowed Mallory to immediately cast the spell to go back in time. She arrived in 2015, just after Constance Langdon (Jessica Lange) lost all hope for Michael. Constance had found him playing video games on the body of the murdered priest and had shouted that this imposter was not his grandson. He pleaded for his love, but she just shouted him out of his house. When he escaped, Mallory was there to mow it with his car, traveling through it until his death until his death on the street, like Constance's daughter, Addie (Jamie Brewer). He begged Constance to take her to Murder House to die so that they could be together forever. She refused, letting him die in the street and telling her to "go to hell". It was interesting to see that he was still pretty deadly at the time. being carried away by a vehicle and, even though he was the Antichrist, it was a heartbreaking scene to watch.

Mallory then let the events unfold as they would, to a certain extent. She finished at Académie Robichaux, delighted to see Cordelia alive. In this timeline, Myrtle was still dead because Cordelia did not need to bring her back, but after killing the offspring of Satan, every demon in hell was dying to do a favor to Mallory. She managed to bring back Misty (Lily Rabe) and, briefly, Nan (Brewer). Nan did not stay because she liked Daddy's right arm too much. Mallory also intervened as part of Queenie's (Gabourey Sidibe) projects to register at the Cortez Hotel, which became her prison during the "Hotel" season, thus further altering the history of "American Horror Story" than what has happened for most of this season. . And Mallory was definitely planning to save Madison – after letting her sweat a little longer at her imitation, Walmart.

But Satan also had a plan for the future. Although Mallory stopped one of his sons – Michael – he was going to create another one. In a flash-forward until 2020, Timothy (Kyle Allen) and Emily (Ash Santos) met while she was protesting against a cafe that he patronized. In a nod to the "special DNA" reason that brought them to the bunker in the initial schedule at the start of the season, their encounter proved to be the key to the birth of the next Antichrist. The show was screened a year later to see Emily give birth, then another three years, when their son was very young, black crows flew over their house and he killed his first nanny. It was a scene that coincided with the end of the "Murder House" finale, when Constance first saw her young grandson smiling and sitting on a chair far too big for him, right next to him. a bloody body.

Timothy and Emily, who were absent for much of the season while the focus was on saving the world, ended up being Satan's emergency plan. And just as they visited Michael Langdon in the original timeline, Black Pope (Carlo Rota) and his henchmen – including Miriam Mead – came forward to "help" the newly worried parents.

Maybe if the series lasts half a dozen more seasons, it will try again to end the world, with this new Dark Lord in mind.

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