The Apple iPhone is the MVP of the stock market


Apple is now worth $ 1 trillion

1. The $ 165 billion gold google Wall Street: The Apple iPhone could be the biggest cash cow on Wall Street.

More than a decade after its debut, the iPhone remains the leading manufacturer of Apple (AAPL), America's first $ 1 trillion company and one of the most widely held stocks.

The iPhone alone is expected to generate $ 165 billion in revenue during this fiscal year, accounting for 62% of Apple 's total expected business figure.

This is an incredible sum of a single line of products. To put this figure in context, the iPhone generates more revenue than last year on 492 of the 500 companies of the S & P 500.

In fact, Apple could use its annual iPhone sales to buy You're here (TSLA) ($ 45 billion) and General Electric (GE) ($ 108 billion) – and still have enough money to recover Campbell Soup (CPB) ($ 12 billion)

The Apple iPhone is even bigger than Amazon's online stores, which are expected to generate $ 125 billion in sales this year.

Given Wall Street's market share on the iPhone, it's not surprising that investors are excited about Wednesday's announcement of new models. Apple's shares jumped nearly 20% in August, their best month in almost a decade.

Apple and Amazon (AMZN) are clearly the 1,000 billion gorillas in the room. According to Howard Silverblatt of S & P Dow Jones Indices, the two widely held stocks accounted for about 29% of the total gains of the S & P 500 this year.

But in the longer term, Apple has been a league apart. Since the end of 1999, Apple has raised the S & P 500 by 11% and accounted for more than half of technology sector returns, according to Silverblatt.

Apple's success has an impact on millions of people because it's a mainstay in mutual funds and retirement accounts. According to Morningstar data, nearly 5,000 mutual funds own Apple stocks valued at approximately $ 350 billion.

Apple is making progress in diversifying its business beyond the iPhone. The company's services division, which includes the App Store, Apple Pay, iTunes and Apple Music, recorded $ 30 billion in the prior year. This figure is expected to increase by 25% this year to $ 37.5 billion, before reaching $ 45 billion in 2019.

But for now, the iPhone remains in the fore. Investors hope that Apple will offer greater variety for the iPhone X, prompting more people to upgrade.

According to estimates by PiperJaffray, more than 500 million current iPhone owners use a model of at least two years.

"The installed base of iPhone users on older devices continues to grow," PiperJaffray analyst Michael Olson said Friday while raising his price target on Apple to $ 250.

This could be very good news for Apple and Wall Street.

Apple iPhone Market

2. State of the World Economy: Turkey, the United Kingdom, Russia and Japan will report Monday the growth of their economies in the second quarter.

The Turkish economy is particularly turbulent, disrupted by curious political decisions, a confusion of economic policy, US interest rate hikes and a plummeting pound. The sanctions and Brexit weigh respectively on Russia and the United Kingdom. But the Japanese economy has performed remarkably well recently, after decades of stagnation.

3. Jack Ma: Alibaba's co-founder, Jack Ma, is expected to announce his retirement plans as the company's executive chairman and details on the Monday of the transition, his 54th birthday. The company, which has a market value of more than $ 400 billion, posted sales that exceeded last quarter's expectations, driven by a more than 60% increase in retail revenues.

4. Kroger's winnings: The largest grocery chain in America is not up. He launched incursions into China, a home delivery service and visions of a plastic bagless future last month.

It's because the world of Kroger has been upset by Amazon (AMZN), Walmart (WMT) and a digital landscape that is reshaping the grocery store sector. Kroger (KR) will provide an update on its change of management strategy on Thursday when it reports its quarterly results.

5. 10 years after: You will hear a lot this week on the anniversary of the financial crisis.

Ten years ago, Lehman Brothers collapsed and, despite the strength of the economy, many scars remain. Three personalities from this dark era – former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Treasury Secretaries Tim Geithner and Hank Paulson – will reflect on the crisis in an interview Wednesday at the Brookings Institution.

6. Coming this week:

Monday – Turkey, Russia, Japan and the United Kingdom report GDP in the second quarter; Alibaba announces Jack Ma's succession plan

Tuesday – UK reports its unemployment rate

Wednesday – Brookings Institution welcomes panel on financial crisis, Apple announces new products

Thursday – Kroger presents its results, its report on US consumer inflation, European and UK central banks report interest rate decisions

Friday – US retail and sentiment reports

CNNMoney (New York) First published September 9, 2018: 8:00 ET

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