The approach of "the death star": ufologists predicted the end of the world in September


Приближение "звезды смерти": Уфологи предрекли конец света в сентябре

Ufologists have predicted an "apocalyptic", which is expected to take place on 19 September due to Nibiru's approach. The huge "star of death" could soon "destroy" the Earth and destroy all humanity, animals and plants.

It is reported by the news of OA.

According to the ufologists, Nibiru has already passed the Sun and is now moving to an inhabited planet. Now, the inhabitants of the Earth have the opportunity to see her during the day and in the night sky.

In recent days, Internet users have published a large number of photographs, which have recorded the appearance of a space object of unknown origin. Most of the photos of Planet X are a little hidden in the clouds.

While Nibiru is hundreds of millions of kilometers from Earth, the spherical body of September 19th can cause the death of living organisms. This opinion of ufologists. The scientific staff refutes their arguments and does not confirm the existence of Planet X.

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