The Arizona GOP is trying to persuade Democrats to vote green


The Republican Party of Arizona sends e-mails to Democratic voters who tie the Green candidate into the crucial Senate race to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) As part of what appears to be an attempt by persuade the Liberals to support it instead of the Democratic Republic Kyrsten. Sinema.

Green Party candidate Angela Green approved Sinema earlier this week. Sinema is in a tight race with GOP representative Martha McSally to replace retired GOP Senator Jeff Flake and a Democratic Party victory in the tight match is essential to Democrats' slim hopes of taking control of the US Senate .

Shippers, who include an Arizona Republican party line of authority, are portrayed as an attack on Green and are photographed next to Sanders. "Angela Green and Bernie Sanders are too extreme for Arizona," says the letter, before highlighting Green's "green" program, health insurance for all, the legalization of marijuana, the increase in the taxation of rich and a mandate of 100% green energy.


"All voters must be wary: Arizona Republicans are trying to entice voters to support a candidate who has already retired from the race," said Rodd McLeod, spokesman for Red and Gold, a great PAC supporting Sinema. "Unfortunately, it's a dirty and dishonest policy of McSally and his friends."

In a statement, the Arizona GOP did not explain why it was attacking a candidate who had left the race.

"Angela Green has been proud to promote her extremely progressive program, which is disconnected from Arizona," said spokeswoman Ayeshia Connors. "Kyrsten Sinema supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, and Sinema is also a marginal liberal. The only difference between them is that Kyrsten Sinema is participating in the witness protection program for the Liberals, trying to hide his extreme program in Arizona. "

Sanders did not approve Green, but he also did not officially support Sinema. She did not attend two rallies that Sanders organized in Arizona last month. Sinema does not support Medicare for all, one of Sanders' major problems.

Sinema is potentially vulnerable to efforts to encourage voting for the Green Party candidate because of her moderate record. Previously left, Sinema has moved to the center of his political career and now votes with President Donald Trump more than 50% of the time. Liberal activists in the state have sometimes grumbled to support it.

While Green dropped out of the race earlier this week to support Sinema, a thorough advance vote in Arizona means the ballots for her have almost certainly been dropped.

In an interview with a local television channel, Green said that she had had a hard time giving up on her decision but had finally decided to support Sinema after seeing Debbie discuss McSally. "Sinema's position on a lot of things is very similar to mine," she said.

The US priorities and the PAC Senate majority, two super-PAC Democrats, are also paying for Facebook ads encouraging voters to support Sinema over Green.

"Arizona could be our key to retaking the Senate of a Republican majority," reads in the ads. "But Kyrsten Sinema needs every vote to make it happen. Voting for third-party candidates like Angela Green only helps Republicans maintain their seats and maintain the status quo. So vote Sinema. Let's take this country back. "

Attempts to encourage Liberals and Conservatives to vote for third-party candidates are not uncommon in Senate competitions. In the close race in the Senate between Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly and the former state legislator and businessman, Mike Braun, the Democratic Party of Indiana pays Facebook ads targeting the Conservatives and encourages them to support Lucy Brenton , the libertarian candidate.

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