The artist places prison bars on Donald Trump's Hollywood star


The often vandalized story of President Donald Trump on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the subject of another demonstration.

The British visual artist Plastic Jesus placed Wednesday morning a sidewalk version of the prison bars on the star, which was replaced in July following a pickaxe attack.

"Today, I've put @realDonaldTrump behind bars," the artist wrote on Twitter.

Later on Wednesday, the artist sent pictures of the bars to HuffPost:

Plastic Jesus

Plastic Jesus

He also shared additional images and photos of the stunt on Instagram:

"There have been calls to Trump Prison since the day he was elected, and today he has certainly been put behind bars," Plastic Jesus wrote in the email.

"Although it was very quickly damaged by a supporter of Trump who was trying to remove it, the bars seemed to be blocked quickly and were there several hours later – for the pleasure of thousands of passing tourists" , he added.

Plastic Jesus fastened the bars with an instant drying "double-sided adhesive tape", he told HuffPost. "I wanted them to stay, but they did not want a bill of thousands of dollars to repair the trail."

He stated that "the art of protest was supposed to be humorous" and that Trump should "pay the price" if he was in the future found guilty of a crime.

In 2016, he protested against Trump's proposed US-Mexico border fence by building a small wall around the star:

MARK RALSTON via Getty Images

David Livingston via Getty Images

And in August, he added bullet-proof vests the size of a child to shows in stores across Los Angeles to make a point about deadly shootings in schools.

The Trump star, installed in 2007, has been attacked several times by vandals and street artists since taking office. The West Hollywood City Council has voted unanimously over the summer for its withdrawal, but the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which controls the Walk of Fame, claims never to have removed a star.

Trump was awarded by the star for her work on the Miss Universe contest.

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