The Astros defend an 8-year-old girl with a rare disease who has been asked not to cheer: "Bravo"


The Houston Astros won his 100th match on Tuesday to win their second consecutive title in AL West, but they may have done something better in the eyes of one of their 8 year old fans.

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Sunday, a girl named Chloe attended the Astros game against Los Angeles Angels. As explained by her mother, Monica Beaver, at ABC7 News, Chloe has what is called Disordered Mood Disruption Disorder (DMDD), a rare condition that gives her more difficulty than other children 8 years old.

But Chloe was still calm, pissed off and heartbreaking after an adult sitting next to her at Minute Maid Park scolded for cheering too loudly and being "annoying" during the match. The exchange was accidentally captured on video by Chloe's mother and shows a woman saying "Enough!" to the girl:

According to ABC7, Monica said "she did not know that she had just registered the woman who was telling her daughter to stop" and actually noticed him after the fact. Since then, she has talked about her daughter's troubles on social networks.

And then the Astros got involved.

Winner of the video on Twitter, several players, from Lance McCullers Jr. and Brandon Bailey to Tyler White and Josh Reddick, shared Chloe's story and made it clear that his acclaim is welcome.

"Chloe, please, encourage the games as hard as you can," White wrote, "and if someone tells you to stop, encourage yourself stronger."

McCullers, who said he would like Chloe to encourage the Astros "as hard as possible," even offered to leave a ticket to the opening of the American League playoffs for the 8-year-olds.

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