The 'Avengers 4' Trailer May Not Come Out Before 2019 For A Very Good Reason


After the curious ending to the last spring's Avengers: Infinity War, fans have been keeping tabs on the upcoming installment of the Marvel franchise. While there has been high anticipation for a sneak peek into the new movie, it seems that the Avengers 4 trailer may not come out before 2019 – and there may be a very good reason according to the movie's director, Joe Russo. While participating in an Instagram Live Q & A session, as reported by HuffPost, Russo shared some insight into what fans can expect from the forthcoming movie, including teasing when they should expect to see the movie's trailer.

During his cat, Russo teased many things, but was particularly coy about details surrounding the film's trailer. "You can not see it before the calendar turns 2019," he said. Fans of the movie have been previewing the trailer Avengers movies. Huffington Post noted that the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War Come out in November 2017, with the film being released on April 27, 2018. The fact that the still untitled Avengers 4 The film is scheduled to debut on May 3, 2019, and it is expected that the film's teaser would arrive sometime this month. But based on Russo's statements, fans might want to rethink their timeline.


While it's unclear when the trailer is actually going to be released, it's going to be a bit longer – it's for a good reason. In his social media chat, Russo revealed that there is much more to be expected from the upcoming film, which will be much better. He shared,

"Absolutely, one hundred percent." I mean, the highest [stakes] of any of the movies to date. Without question. "

In other words, the stakes are so high, it makes releasing a trailer that is both concise and spoiler-free. Russo's comments make sense given the shocking ending of this year's Infinity War that left the superheroes of the MCU in peril.

Meanwhile, Russo also revealed that there is still a lot to see in the upcoming film, with the director explaining that they are only halfway through the editing process and "the running time on Avengers 4 is currently sitting right at three hours. "According to Collider, the filmmaker added," We'll see if that holds, but it's sitting right at three hours right now. "


With the film currently in its post-production phase, there's a lot of room for changes to take place. And it's not clear exactly how long the movie will be in the end, Russo did reveal that Avengers 4 would more likely be more extensive than Infinity War149 minute runtime. During the Instagram Live discussion, Russo explained,

"It could easily be a three hour movie but we're very hard on the material. We like it to play at a certain pace. I'm sure it'll be squeeze it … Avengers 3. "


While the trailer for Avengers 4 may come much later, Russo's comments on the movie.

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