The Avengers 4 trailer will arrive before the end of 2018


Avengers 4The first trailer will arrive "before the end of the year," says Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. The narrative details of the film are still well hidden and we do not know where things ended. Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios may decide to close the big story of 22 films told by the MCU since 2008 Iron Man. However, between what we know about the film and the images of the sets, we expect the film to blend with the time travel with the original Avengers, while They are trying to find a way to restore peace and order in the universe (and possibly destroy Thanos). , once for all.

Due to the lack of official update concerning Avengers 4, fans have resorted to searching online for any clue as to what to expect in the movie. However, if we believe Feige's last comment, the public will have something concrete to consider and to base on his theories. Avengers 4 The trailer is now confirmed to arrive in the next two months.

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Erick Weber caught up with Feige at a special reception and a screening of Black Panther and had to ask questions about the status of the Avengers 4 trailer. While the MCU architect did not give a specific date, he said it would happen "before the end of the year" – always subjective but it is safe to say that it will be published before the last two weeks of the year, at the latest. At this point, it can be said that it will be a full trailer, possibly preceded by a short teaser confirming its release date (similar to what Marvel Studios did with War of Infinity).

Most fans have probably already assumed that the Avengers 4 The trailer would arrive before the end of 2018, based on Feige's earlier confirmation that the film's marketing campaign would begin this year. What remains to be seen is the effect that marketing for the next Avengers the film has on the current campaign for Captain Marvel and vice versa. Even though Brie Larson's MCU adventure took place in the 1990s, it should have a major impact on Avengers 4especially when it comes to the quantum realm – something that should not only favor Avengers 4, but also the MCU as a whole.

It is safe to assume that Marvel Studios will announce the official version Avengers 4 title next to the trailer, if not earlier. The film has no title since Marvel decided to remove his original name (Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2) and treat the third and fourth Avengers movies as individual stories, linked by the ongoing struggle between Than's, the most powerful heroes of the Earth. If Feige and his team follow a schedule similar to the one they used to War of Infinity, then the trailer Avengers 4 could fall as early as next month. The trailer could even be the subject of a first with a future Disney marquee as Ralph breaks the Internet and Mary Poppins Back However, as movie trailers from Marvel Studios are events in and of themselves, the preview might well come well before.

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Source: Erick Weber

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

The release date of six billion dollars Warner Bros. Man withdrawn from the schedule

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