The baby family treated at the hospital with a bottle of formula receives a $ 18 billion bill: report


According to a family whose son was treated in a San Francisco hospital after a head injury, a bottle of formula and a sum of $ 18,000 reported that a South Korean family was visiting the city in 2016 when their son fell off a hotel bed and banged his head. The baby would never have lost consciousness but was crying hysterically. The family took the baby to the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, according to the report.

The doctors quickly determined Park jeong-whan, who was eight months old, was doing well. The family told the information site that the baby had a formula, took a bit of sleepiness and they continued their vacation

Two years later, the family said that they had been given the note: $ 18,836. "Jang Yeo-im, the baby's mother, told Vox." But he did not do it. So why should I pay the bill?

The report stated that the family had been charged with "trauma" of more than $ 15,000.

According to the report, the fees are due to the hospital's reaction to a potentially serious visit. According to the report, these fees can range from $ 1,000 to $ 50,000. An expert compared the charge to "the Wild West".

Hospitals defend the prosecution by essentially saying that it costs money to keep a good intervention team on hand.

"We are the trauma center for a very large number. populated area. We face so much trauma in this city – car accidents, mass shootings, multiple collisions with vehicles, "said a spokesman for the hospital in Vox. "It is expensive to prepare for that."

Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for Follow him on Twitter @EDeMarche .

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