The Bachelorton dating scandal of Colton Underwood


  Colton Underwood Tia Booth

Instagram / ABC

Colton Underwood was one of the first on The Bachelorette 2018, nominated for the heart of Becca Kufrin, but he had a great speed bump along the way and it is reported in several dates. Previously, he confessed to having met Kufrin's friend, Tia Booth Bachelor before filming. Booth then appeared on the show during episode 3 and told Kufrin that there was nothing to worry about.

Before entering into more information about Underwood's affair with Booth, here is your MAJOR SPOILER WARNING . Do NOT keep reading if you do not want to have any information about Booth's connection to Underwood.

Once done, let's get down to business.

During Underwood's date of birth with Kufrin, his parents even evoked the problem of meeting Booth. But, when Booth, along with several other Kufrin friends, sit down to chat with the star, new questions are revealed. According to ABC, "Becca remains torn about who she should send home and returns to Los Angeles to seek advice from her trusted friends: Bekah, Caroline, Kendall, Seinne and Tia, but shocking new information comes to light the decision. She must make this very difficult decision and overtake her to continue her journey with her three potential future husbands. "

Reality Steve reported that Endwood is eliminated after the dates of his hometown, so the conversation Booth's with Kufrin clearly has an effect on his decision-making. The reality Steve said, "Before this rose ceremony, Tia appeared on the show to tell Becca that she still had feelings for Colton.I do not know how Becca took it, but seeing that Colton was eliminated at this ceremony, I must imagine that he played a role. "

Underwood joined Booth to shoot the next Bachelor in Paradise 2018 this summer [19659009AnothersurprisethatUnderwoodhadforKufrinthisseasontoldhimthathewasavirginHetoldherthatheisnotwaitingfortheweddingheisjustwaitingfortherightwomanAsforKufrin'sresponseshereflectedonUnderwood'sadmissiontopeoplesaying"WhenheopenedupandtoldmethathewasstillavirginIwassurprisedFormevirginityisasignificantthingandIrespectitsosacredIwouldneverjudgeanyonetobeavirginInthistriphoweverIhavemultiplerelationshipsandsoIwantedtobecertainthatColtonandIhadafuturebeforecontinuingaphysicalandemotionalrelationshipIknowhowmuchweightitholdsIwasconfidentthatwhatColtonandIhadwasrealandsoIwasreadytotakeourrelationshiptothenextlevelatourownpaceIwasgladthatColtoncouldbesovulnerablewithme"

Daily Mail speculated that, today, Booth and Underwood are dating, although the reality Steve reported that the two did not leave Bachelor in Paradise as a couple. [19659011] Colton Underwood has caused a bit of chaos in The Bachelorette 2018 because of his past with Becca Kufrin's friend, Tia Booth.What's the matter?

Colton Underwood provoked a bit of chaos in The Bachelorette 2018 because of his past with Becca Kufrin's friend, Tia Booth.What is the problem?

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