The bad week of Elizabeth Warren in Washington


Trump's beards, Warren could live with. After all, there is a 0% chance that Trump will give up his "Pocahontas" attack – regardless of the presumed evidence that Warren produced from his legacy. The biggest problem for Warren is that, aside from his deepest circle of advisers, the Democrats were left cold by his attempt to show that she could consolidate his blatant weakness by 2020.

"Discuss the substance you want, but why 22 days before a crucial election when it is imperative to win the House and Senate to save America, why @SenWarren must make his announcement now? " asked Jim Messina, 2012 campaign director of former President Barack Obama. "Why can not Dems stay focused?"

Messina expressed frustration and perplexity about Warren, which was common in Washington this week. Why now? And why not at all, asked the Democrats with confusion? Warren had no good answer, assuring him a very, very bad week.

Point: Sometimes trying to get your bad things out early – that is, before the start of the 2020 cycle – turns against them. It's one of those times.

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