The benches are clear as coaches from Florida and Vanderbilt start their match


Florida caught up to 21-3 against Vanderbilt on Saturday to escape the national Commodore field with a 37-27 win. But it was far from being the highlight of the game. Late in the first half, Gators linebacker James Houston IV inflicted this monstrous success on Vanderbilt's Dare Odeyingbo in a flat return.

When Vanderbilt's head coach, Derek Mason, went to see his player, who stayed on the ground for a while, he started to exchange words with Florida head coach Dan Mullen and defensive coordinator Todd Grantham. The spirits seized and the two benches finally cleared the field to support their respective coach.

Both team benches were sentenced to unsportsmanlike conduct. Unfortunately for Florida this meant that linebacker Vosean Joseph had to be ejected because it was his second unsportsmanlike foul. Oh, and Houston was obviously ejected for targeting. Mullen was interviewed about the entire incident at half-time and asked the SEC's Commissioner's Office questions.

Although this situation seemed to be tense, it is unlikely to turn into a serious one. Both coaches met in the middle of the field after the game to exchange a hug and (hopefully) nice words with each other. Of course, this could be simply because Florida has now won 27 of its last 28 games against Vanderbilt, a series that dates back to 1989.

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