The best Astros fans reactions to Houston’s heart-breaking loss


The hopes and dreams of seeing the Astros defend their World Series title were crushed Thursday night.

In a 4-1 loss against the Boston Red Sox, the Astros were sent packing from the American League Championship Series.

And while the loss is no doubt heart-breaking, it’s clear Astros fans aren’t the bandwagoners some cynical folks were quick to label them as.

Following the team’s loss, Houston’s unwavering support for their team is still going strong.

On social media, Astros fans only had words of encouragement and few complaints about the team’s performance this season. Just like the players, they seem to be looking ahead to next year.

To see what Astros fans and players are saying, we gathered some of the best reactions to the Astros’ hard-fought season.

Check them out above.

Fernando Ramirez is a digital reporter for and Read him on our breaking news site and on our subscriber site. Follow him on Twitter at @fernramirez93 or email him at [email protected].

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