The best exchange each NFL team should make before the trade deadline


The official trading deadline for the 2018 NFL season is 16 hours. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, October 30th.

For some teams, the deadline comes and goes without much movement. But in terms of trades, this season has been anything but calm. Khalil Mack is wearing the Bears uniform, the Cowboys have given up the first-round pick for Amari Cooper, The 'Veon Bell could be leaving Pittsburgh and the big names of the troubled teams are publicly asking for money. to be exchanged.

With the deadline fast approaching, it's time to take a look at the best move that each team can make to improve their chances of becoming a champion this year or start building for the future. For some teams, the best option would be to trade a player before his value starts to go down, but do not be surprised if big names on this list move into a new city.

Check out the best move for each team in the list below.

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