The best FIFA Football Awards ™ – News – Modric: A night where all my dreams have come true


The best FIFA Football Awards ™

Real Madrid and Croatia midfielder Luka Modric won the FIFA Men's Best Men's 2018 award in London on Monday night. Visibly moved by the experience, he then shared his feelings about the 2017/18 season that led to this momentous moment. How do you feel about winning the Best First Prize in your career?
Luka Modric: It's an incredible feeling. I am proud and honored to be here. It was a special night for me and a special moment in my career.

The Best Award is awarded by players, coaches, media and fans. What does it mean to be recognized by each one of them?
This is very important. There is no greater reward to be chosen by so many people. I would like to thank all the people who helped and supported me all the time.

It's been years since anyone other than Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo won this individual award. Will it be the first of many for you?
We will see. I do not think about that now. I am very happy to have won this award. There are so many good players – these two and many – that it makes you proud to beat them. It shows you that your hard work has paid off. It's a night where all my dreams come true.

Let's talk about your year.
It was fantastic, one of the best of my career, at the collective and individual level. I am very satisfied with what I have done with my club, my country and, of course, having won individual awards like The Best and the Best World Cup Player Award.

If you could pick a climax, what would it be?
There was so much that choosing one is difficult. I think it must be the final of the World Cup. It was the biggest game of my career, and playing for your country in the World Cup final – the biggest sporting event on the planet – is unique. I also had extra motivation to control my team. Unfortunately, things did not work for us and we lost, but I still see a success. We have done something that will stay in the story.

Every kid dreams of being the best player in the world. Was it the case with you too?
You always have dreams when you start playing football. I'm the kind of person who always wants to be the best, so it's only natural that I dreamed one day, and thank God, I'm here now. That's why I worked so hard. I pushed myself and I believed myself in difficult times. I also did it thanks to my teammates, my family and my friends.

How do you overcome those difficult times you mentioned?
Believing in oneself even when others do not do it. Staying close to your family, your loved ones, being positive and progressing all the time. By working hard and never giving in, without being distracted along the way. These are the things you have to keep in mind.

It's a wonderful year for you. How can you improve it?
It will not be easy. As I have already said, I still love to improve in every way, but if I could maintain that kind of shape, it would be amazing. It's not easy to reach the top, but staying there is even harder. I have been at the top for a few years now and I hope to be able to stay for a few others.

You are now the best in the game. If you could choose something else in which you could be the best, what would it be?
I am a very down-to-earth and modest person, a family and friendly with her, so I would probably choose to be the best to spend time with my family and share great moments with them.

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