The best pizza in all of America is in the tri-state, according to the daily meal


What you need to know

  • The Daily Meal has published the list of the 101 best pizzas in America for 2018.

  • Of the 101 ranked pizzerias, New Jersey had seven seats, but New York State won the most at 36

  • Seven of the top 10 were in New York

The three-state region is resisting the reputation of the best pies by having the highest number of pizzerias on the "101 Best Pizza in America" ​​list for 2018 according to the Daily Meal's annual ranking of the best American pizzas.

Of the 101 ranked pizzerias, New Jersey was home to seven, but New York State won the most wins at 36, with seven of the top ten in New York.

The list is carefully prepared and evaluated by a panel of professionals who judge things like cheese distribution, judiciously combined toppings, global ingredients and finally the ratio of sauce, cheese, filling and crust, which remains the "integral component", according to The Daily Meal.

Did you prefer the seal to make the cut? Check out the top five tri-state stores below, or check out the full list here.

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