The best-selling new car in the United States, model 3, in October – maybe?



Published on November 2, 2018 |
by Steve Hanley

November 2, 2018 by Steve Hanley

The Tesla Model 3 was the best-selling new car in America in October, according to United States today. Wait what? The Model 3 is the best-selling car in America? No, not quite. here's how United States today created his ranking for October. "[The Tesla Model 3 is] No. 1 on our list of the most popular vehicles in the United States in October. To be sure, this list is not based solely on volume. If that were the case, the Ford F Series pickup truck would still be No. 1 because it is the industry's best-selling best-seller. Instead, this list is based on a rather subjective but analytical assessment of sales volume, buzz and momentum. "

On the sidelines

Buzz and momentum. Are they things that can even be measured? Maybe not, but they can certainly be felt in the market and that's the real story here. The transition to electric cars is announcing, whether the rest of the industry is ready or not. Most traditional car manufacturers do not prefer to say that "no one wants to buy an electric car!" They stand on the sideline, hands in their pockets, hoping to hope that this electric car business is only temporary. an aberration that will soon disappear and allow them to resume their activities as usual.

Recently, the head of research and development at BMW said that 85% of the cars sold by his company in 2030 would still be equipped with a gasoline or diesel engine. 85% !!! To break it down further, he estimates that by that date, 15% of BMWs will be electric batteries, 15% of rechargeable hybrids and 70% will be good old builders. classic cars of the fifties.

Hit. Hit. Hello? Is there anyone at home? Klaus Froehlich, the R & D manager responsible for these breathtaking statements, had a hard time telling reporters at the Paris Motor Show that he thought diesel engines would continue to play an important role. in the product line of his business in the near future. What he really needs to think about is whether BMW will survive the tidal wave of electric cars.

At the forefront of this fast approach tsunami is Tesla. United States today "It is becoming increasingly difficult to deny that the Tesla Model 3 has become a disruptive force in the automotive industry. Although Tesla does not publish sales on a monthly basis, the company sold 55,840 model 3 cars in the third quarter, covering the months of July, August and September.

"With just three models to sell, Tesla outperformed its rival Mercedes-Benz luxury in the third quarter in the United States. During this period, the Model 3 electric sedan was the third best-selling car in the United States, said Tesla President Elon Musk. With an average price starting at $ 49,000 in the third quarter, it's amazing. "

Hmm, was United States today reading CleanTechnica? Probably.

The best of the rest

What are the other cars that create enough "buzz and momentum" to make USA Today's Top 5 of the list for October?

2. Toyota Highlander – 20,548 sales, up 17.7% over the previous year.

3. Toyota Tacoma – 20,534 sales, up 25.3% over the previous year.

4. Subaru Forester – 15,981 units sold, up 19% from the previous year.

5. Volkswagen Atlas – 4,725 units sold, up 29% over the previous year and sold more than the Passat.

Looking to the future

So, agree, momentum is a big part of the United States today rankings. It is a metric that is difficult to quantify. We understood. But this illustrates an important point. At a time when large SUVs dominate the market and traditional manufacturers are talking publicly about significantly reducing sedan production, the Tesla Model 3 sedan opens the door to competition.

Can you imagine what the Y model – an electric SUV / CUV that will compete with the Highlander, Forester and Atlas – will do when it arrives in a few years and, hopefully, sooner? If the executives of Detroit and Stuttgart are paying attention, they should already be in full panic mode. If Model 3 is doing so well in a market segment that everyone is giving up, what will happen when Tesla drops the Y model in the midst of the SUV segment? If you said "chaos", head to the head of the class!

It's almost comical to see traditional builders rushing like chickens with their heads cut, aspiring to the past, while Tesla continues to embark on the future. As Bob Dylan once said, "There is a battle on the outside and that is ragin '". It will soon shake your windows and shake your walls, as they are changing. "Good God, it's true!

See also: 18 Nasty Tesla Tables

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Keywords: BMW, Klaus Froehlich, Tesla, Tesla Model 3, United States Today

About the author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and wherever the singularity could take him. Charles Kuralt is his muse. "I see the road is turning, I wonder what's going on around the turn?"

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter.

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