The best sunscreen based on your age


The summer will soon come to an end, but you should keep your sunscreen as the sun can be dangerous all year round. Every day when you go out, harmful UV rays will reach you. These thick storm clouds will not protect you, as it is estimated that nearly 80% of the rays can still penetrate your skin. A report from the World Health Organization mentions that haze in the atmosphere can significantly increase the intensity of UV rays.

All radiation can damage your body, leading to the development of wrinkles, accelerated aging of the skin and increased risk for the skin. The official published by the American Academy of Dermatology notes that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer during his lifetime.

In order to avoid such problems, you must protect yourself from the damage caused by the sun. While this may seem like a disadvantage, it is definitely worth it in the long run. It is estimated that 90% of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun. Doing something now will help you avoid expensive treatments later.

Below you will find personalized advice for all ages. You may want to add a bookmark to the page as it may be useful later.

For your 20 years

You are young, wild and free. But keeping a healthy skin should be a priority at this age, as exposure to the sun during the first few years can greatly increase the chances of developing skin cancer when you are older. You can protect yourself by following the following tips regularly.

  1. A first step is to avoid tanning beds They remain popular and even some of your friends can attend them, but it has been proven that they increase the risk of melanoma by up to 75%, according to dermatologist Elizabeth Hale. Those who tan using a bed are six times more likely to develop melanoma in their twenties than those who avoid it. Swap it for sunbathing in the garden and you'll feel better.
  2. Most people apply sunscreen only when they go to the beach, but you should do it more often. Sun exposure happens everywhere around us: when you walk down the street, take the bus, enjoy a glass of soda to name a few. A few minutes are enough to make an impact. You must use a sunscreen SPF 30 or higher of your choice throughout the year.
  3. Dermatologists are our friends. Early diagnosis will increase the chances of healing faster, cheaper and easier. Preventive dermatology screening should be done every two years to avoid any problems. A good relationship with your dermatologist will certainly help you over the years because he will be able to observe the changes in a timely manner.
  4. The sunglasses are the most. They will protect your eyes from harmful radiation while making you look good. Goggles that offer UVA and UVB protection are the best choice because they protect your eyes from damage.

In your 30 years

You are now older but wiser. At this age, you may perceive the first signs of skin problems as they may become visible. At this stage, being proactive will minimize additional damage so that protective measures remain essential.

  1. One of the most vulnerable areas is the delicate skin around the eyes. Sunglasses and a strong sunscreen should be used daily.
  2. The sun is brightest between 10 am and 4 pm You must avoid outside activities during this time, so it is best to plan in advance. You are free to do anything before or after, so you should continue this jog early in the morning.
  3. As you get older, the skin can not maintain the college that keeps it supple, beautiful and young. In addition to looking older, you will also encounter other problems such as wrinkles, cuts will require more time to heal and thicker skin. That's why you should keep this sunscreen even if you are bored at some point.

Sunny 40s

If you protect yourself during the last two decades, any problem should be minimal. Just to start? It is never too late and the key is to make it a daily habit.

  1. SPF should always be used daily and they would protect you from a new enemy: sunspots. You must keep sunscreen at all times and it is essential to work in a sunny environment.
  2. This is the right age for additional skin products that will keep your skin healthy and strong. Vitamin C can greatly help to strengthen your resistance to the sun and your skin.

High noon 50

It is the age at which you are most subject to sun damage. This is the right time to wear caps and clothing with ultraviolet protection factor (UPF).

  1. Use sunscreen to prevent skin sensitivity that may be caused by other products. Use one filled with retinol for best results.
  2. While they may be expensive, the dermatologist-recommended DNA repair enzymes will help your skin and lessen any existing damage.

The calm of the 60s and 70s

It is not too late to protect your skin even at this age. The sunscreen is always necessary because the skin will become for and more sensitive.

The main advice here is to keep in mind that some medications can increase the sensitivity of your skin. Read the labels and, if possible, avoid some antihistamines, ibuprofen and some antibiotics.

80 and after

Keep up the good work and it should go even at this respectable age. Try to keep your sunscreen in stock and avoid using old products.


Laura grew up in a small town in northern Quebec. She studied chemistry at the university, graduated and married her husband a month later. They were then blessed with two baby boys in the first four years of marriage. Ensuring that babies give their family the urge to return to the old ways – feeding their families with traditional and homemade foods; rid their homes of toxic chemicals and petroleum products; and give their boys a chance to experience a simple and sustainable way of life. They are building a farm from scratch on two small acres in central Texas. There is much to be done to become self-reliant, but they are debt free and spend their days living this simple and good life with their five young children. Laura is a spokesperson for people with disabilities.

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