The blood test can predict your internal clock, improve the treatment


A new blood test can determine the time that it is in your body.

Researchers at Northwestern University have discovered that some genes are expressed according to the time at which a person's internal clock is published. PNAS On Monday, the study showed how the test could help diagnose problems and treat them.

Called TimeSignature, the blood test uses an automatic learning algorithm. He can test different patterns of gene expression according to the time of day. Of the 20,000 genes examined by the team, about 40 had gene signals at certain times. These genes were more likely to light up at some point in the day, but they varied according to a person's internal clock.

At 12 o'clock, for example, the body could express gene A and gene B. Then, at 18 hours, it could express gene B but also gene C. When scientists use the TimeSignature test, they can determine the gene. 39 hours is.

Scientists were able to test the process on 11 patients. For the test to be accurate, they took two blood samples from each patient. When they tested patients' blood, they were able to reduce the time at which blood was reduced to two hours. The test can be beneficial in different ways. If, for example, the body of a person expresses that it is, for example, that the genes A and B do not express themselves as at noon, but that the doctors know that there is a problem with the clock internal.

"Timing is paramount," said study co-author Ravi Allada, a professor of neurobiology at Northwestern University, in a statement. "We know that if your internal clock is disrupted, it can predispose you to various diseases, and the organic system is governed by the circadian rhythm.

Old gold watch A British watchmaker holds a 1697 watch. An internal clock misalignment has been associated with chronic diseases, as well as heart disease, obesity, addiction, cancer and diabetes. . JACK TAYLOR / GETTY IMAGES

A misalignment can cause many health problems because it can lead to inflammation and a reduction of insulin. Misalignment has also been associated with chronic diseases, as well as heart disease, obesity, substance abuse, cancer and diabetes. TimeSignature could also help doctors determine the best treatment for a patient.

"It's really an integral part of personalized medicine, so many drugs have optimal times for dosing," Dr. Phyllis Zee, co-author of the study, chief of sleep medicine in neurology at Northwestern University "The best time to take the drug for high blood pressure or chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be different than someone else's."

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