The Boba Fett Movie Is Not Happening Anymore


Although we put teenager Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones 16 years ago, it's been a long time since the beginning of the world. Mandalorian armor and bounty hunting Star Wars universe. For years, a standalone Star Wars movie, just like Rogue One and Solo, has been in the works with Boba front and center, and earlier this year, it looked like that was finally making some progress forward. However, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy has revealed that Boba Fett's cinematic adventure has been scrapped. According to reporter Erick Weber:

So there you have it. Rather than go ahead and put Boba Fett in the spotlight silver screen, Kathleen Kennedy informed Erick Weber that Lucasfilm is instead focusing on The Mandalorian TV series, which will be available on the Disney streaming service. Thus we reach the end of the Boba Fett movie's long, drawn-out journey.

With the exception of the 2008 animated Clone Wars movie that paved the way for the same-named TV series a couple months later, the Star Wars film series was composed of just the main saga, i.e. Episodes I-VI. Once Disney acquired the franchise, in addition to keeping that saga going, it was developing one-and-done "Anthology" spinoffs. 2016's Rogue One followed the mission to steal the dead Star Death before In New Hope, and Solo explored how Han Solo got his start in the crime underworld a decade before he puts Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi at the Mos Eisley cantina.

As for the third spinoff, it was reportedly supposed to be a Boba Feet movie. Fantastic Four director Josh Trank was hired to helm the project, and Lucasfilm allegedly even had a teaser ready to show at the 2015 Star Wars Celebration to officially announce it. However, in My 2015, Trank left this Star Wars This is a movie that has been made to be "personal decision to move forward on a different path," although there were reports that there were behind-the-scenes issues with Trank.

Boba Fett movie, and one ounce in any case Billy ElliotStephen Daldry was reported in 2017 to be in negotiations to co-write and direct an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie, it seemed like a better chance of happening. But then came this word May that Logan director James Mangold was hired to direct the Boba Fett movie, but he shot down these rumors a few months later.

Of course, the future of Star Wars spinoffs in general is currently in question following Solo commercially underperforming. Lucasfilm denied reports that new spinoffs have been put on hold, and there are "multiple" Star Wars movies in development that have not been announced in addition to the new trilogy from Rian Johnson and the film series from David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Still, that's already a packed slate, and when taken over by James Mangold's comments, it did not bode well for a Boba Fett movie.

Now we know that the final nail in the Boba Fett movie's coffin was The Mandalorian. Lucasfilm announced that a live action Star Wars TV series was in development nearly a year ago, but Jon Favreau showrunner revealed the premise at the beginning of the month. Set after the fall of the Empire and before The Mandalorian will follow a "lone gunfighter" in the outer reaches of the galaxy far, far away, where the New Republic does not have any authority.

Although Boba Fett and his father Jango wore Mandalorian armor, within the official Star Wars cannon (in other words, forget about what you read / see in the Legends continuity), those are not actually members of that warrior culture. But only the really hardcore Star Wars Boba and this unnamed protagonist of The Mandalorian seem, I can not blame Kathleen Kennedy and the folks at Lucasfilm for prioritizing the TV series on this movie that's been stuck in development hell.

So where does this leave? Boba Fett overall in the Star Wars franchise? Well, let's not forget that officially speaking, Boba Fett is still considered dead, having ingloriously fallen into the Sarlacc Pit during Return of the Jedi. The first Aftermath novel hinted, through some Mandalorian armor that was sold on Tatooine, that Boba might have somehow crawled out of the beast, but this has yet to be confirmed.

It's always possible that we could see Boba Fett again in a story set during the Original Trilogy era or even in the decades between Revenge of the Sith and In New Hope, but I can not help wondering that because of his kaput, Boba could appear in The Mandalorian. The fact that Lucasfilm has been so cagey about Boba's post-Return of the Jedi they could have been waiting for the right opportunity to reintroduce him.

The Mandalorian would be a great opportunity to do that. Judging by the synopsis, there are not too many "main" Star Wars characters that could fit seamlessly into the series, but Boba Fett definitely could. However, he's brought in and whether he's an enemy or a protagonist, we could learn how he broke free from the Sarlacc and what he's been doing since the Empire was toppled.

Since The Mandalorian If you are interested in streaming, you can bet that a lot of eyes would catch this great return of Boba Fett. And needless to say that it would help to establish relationships between this series and the original Star Wars movies. So while nothing is certain yet, do not be surprised if Jon Favreau and the creative team find a way to bring Boba into The Mandalorian.

Keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more updates Star Wars franchise. If you're curious about what movies are still in development, look through our handy guide. As for what notStar Wars on the horizon, look through our 2018 and 2019 release schedules for that information.

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