The bombs sent to Biden and Robert De Niro, the latest born of a wave of explosives sent to critics


Two additional homemade bombs, one addressed to former vice president Joseph R. Biden Jr. and the other to actor Robert De Niro, were found, announced Thursday. law enforcement officials, the latest in a wave of similar devices sent to several renowned Democrats have been the rhetorical targets of President Trump and several right-wing personalities.

A law enforcement official said that the envelope and the address labels printed on the package sent to Mr. De Niro were similar to those on the explosives sent to him. former President Barack Obama, at the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others, and an x-ray showed that she was contained a similar device resembling a homemade bomb.

"It seems to be from the same shipper," said the manager.

United States Postal Service saves images of incoming mail in its system. Officials searched for these images overnight and found several other suspicious packages, said a law enforcement official. It was not clear immediately how much they discovered.

The device sent to Mr. Biden was found at a US postal service center in Delaware, said a law enforcement official. Similar to that sent to former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the envelope was misdirected and was redirected to the mail sender written on the mailing label. sending, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Congressman from Florida.

Security personnel at Mr. De Niro's company, TriBeCa Productions, discovered the package at around 5 am and called the New York Police Department, whose anti-bomb squad responded, officials said. . He was removed at approximately 6:30 am and taken to the Bronx Police Station for disposal.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday that an "eagle-eyed security worker" at TriBeCa Productions had noticed similarities between the package and the discovered envelope photos. Wednesday.

They presented half a dozen first-class stamps on kraft paper envelopes bearing return addresses bearing the misspelled name of Mrs. Wasserman Schultz, who was formerly chair of the Democratic National Committee. The postal labels were printed by computer.

Some packages, including the aircraft delivered to CNN's offices in New York, arrived by mail, said a law enforcement official. Mr de Blasio said the authorities did not know if this meant that the sender of the devices was living in the New York area.

"We certainly do not know if they are here or elsewhere in the country," Blasio told CNN on Thursday. "There is by definition someone who is a serial bomber, yes, and a terrorist."

The mayor said he was not yet sure whether the package sent Thursday to Mr. De Niro in Lower Manhattan had been hand-delivered by mail or mail. In anticipation of the discovery of additional packages Thursday, the police department has deployed police outside the press offices and offices of elected officials, said de Blasio.

Early Thursday, a swarm of police vehicles and waiting ambulances strangled the streets of the TriBeCa neighborhood, just one block from the Hudson River. Police closed several blocks around the building that houses the film company and Mr. De Niro's restaurant. Flashing blue and red lights from dozens of patrol cars and SUVs are throwing a bright glow on the faces of perplexed commuters who arrive at work to visit Citibank's offices one block away.

Mr De Niro, like other package recipients, strongly criticized Mr Trump. During the Tony Awards ceremony in June, he gave a speech in which he attacked the president with obscenity, and a video of his comments was widely shared on social media.

On Wednesday, President Trump first denounced the bombing attempts, saying to the White House: "We must unite."

But at a nightly gathering in Wisconsin, he took a sharper tone, criticizing the media and the Democrats even as he was asking the Americans to "come together in peace and harmony." ".

And on Thursday morning, the president did not address the bombings directly, he accused the media on Twitter of "the anger we see today in our society".

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